Laguna Lakes CDD: Approved Berm Planting List
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Plants on the Approved List
- Capella Arboricola
- Ginger
- Petite Oleander
- Firebush
- Simpson Stopper
- Thyrallis
- Cabbage Palm
- Areca Palm
- Awabukii
- Macho Fern
- Southern Magnolia
- Coco Plums
- Crape Myrtle
- Crinum Lily
- Hibiscus
- Mexican Petunia
- Ixora
Plants Added to the Approved List at Board Meeting 5/27/20
- Christmas Palms (Previously Approved for 1 House)
- Croton (Previously Approved for 1 House)
- African – Iris
- Ti Plant (On berm behind some homes)
- Clusia (On berm behind some homes)
- Silver Buttonwood
- Green Buttonwood
- Fakahatchee Grass (On berm behind some homes)
- Fountain Grass
- Viburnum Suspension
- Viburnum Oratissum
- Copper Leaf Plant
Present Plants on Berm that can Remain but Cannot be Increased Board Decision – 5/27/20
- Oleanders
- Firebush
- Hibiscus
- Fichus
- Macho Ferns
- Oyster Plants
- Mexican Petunia