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Meeting Minutes for September 18, 2024

Laguna Lakes
Community Development District

The regular meeting of The Board of Supervisors of the Laguna Lakes Community Development District was held at the Laguna Lakes Clubhouse, 15250 Lakes of Laguna Boulevard, Fort Myers, Florida and also via web conference on Wednesday, September 18, 2024.

Present and constituting a quorum were:

Mark Wessler – Vice Chair
Michelle Martel – Assistant Secretary
Mike Cutler – Assistant Secretary
Bruce Given – Assistant Secretary

Attending remotely:

Jonathan Busa – Chair

Also present were:

Mandie Rainwater – Assistant District Manager, Premier District Management (PDM)
Melissa Gindling – Assistant District Manager, PDM

Attending remotely:

Kandice Salvador – Resident

The following is a summary of the discussion and actions taken at the Laguna Lakes Community Development District (CDD) Board of Supervisors regular meeting.

FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call

The meeting was called to order at 4:30 p.m., and four Board members were present. Chair Busa attended remotely and joined at 4:35 p.m. Also in attendance were Mandie Rainwater, Assistant District Manager, Melissa Gindling, Assistant District Manager, and Two Residents. Attending remotely was Resident Kandice Salvador.

SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda

Add 9B: Fiscal Year 2024 Audit Engagement Letter

On MOTION by Supervisor Cutler, seconded by Supervisor Given, with all in favor, the Agenda was approved, as amended.

THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items

Dr. Gudavalli commented that the Lake 3 fountain is not functioning.


A. Items to be Pulled for Discussion

No Items were pulled.

B. Motion to Approve Consent Items

On MOTION by Supervisor Martel, seconded by Supervisor Cutler, with all in favor, the Board approved all of the Consent Items.

C. Consideration of Items Pulled for Discussion

D. Consent Items

i. Draft Regular Meeting Minutes for August 21, 2024

ii. Draft Continuation Meeting Minutes for August 28, 2024

iii. Financial Statements for August 2024

iv. September Field Report

v. Irrigation Work Orders Log


A. Water Use Permit Adjustments

Engineer Schmitt is currently out of town, but he provided an update. He reported that the SFWMD reviewer has requested a more formal submittal on the permit modification. He has enlisted someone to work on this while he is out of town.

Chair Busa joined the meeting remotely at 4:35 p.m.

On MOTION by Supervisor Martel, seconded by Supervisor Given, with all in favor, the Board approved Chair Busa’s attendance remotely.


A. Irrigation

i. Irrigation Monitoring and Schedule Update

Assistant District Manager Gindling stated that Insight irrigation reported that they have completed the irrigation schedule for Pebble Beach and Monterey. They are now working on Santa Barbara and plan to have this finished by the end of next week, and they will let us know when it is complete. As of now, all controllers have been adjusted to run on either a Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday or Monday/Wednesday/Friday schedule. There will no longer be Saturday evening schedules.

Supervisor Cutler wondered why the progress on completing the schedule is so slow, and he also asked how the programs are being optimized. He suggested working out the schedule on paper ahead of time rather than working neighborhood by neighborhood. He also stated that Beverly Hills and Pebble Beach have not had irrigation in weeks or months, and wondered why are all of the rain sensors not being used. After discussion, the Board decided to invite Aaron from Insight Irrigation to next month’s meeting.

Vice Chair Wessler wondered if some of the herbicide used is causing some issues, as well.

ii. Irrigation Controllers Update

Assistant District Manager Gindling reported that Insight can now communicate with Controller 3. Controller 1 is still not communicating, and No Limit and Tucor continue to problem solve. There was also discussion on the Tucor announcement that they are discontinuing the TWI line of controllers and are moving over to the NLP line of controllers.

Supervisor Cutler reported that Pebble Beach and Beverly Hills continue to report problems, and he asked what steps have been taken to fix the controllers. There was discussion on the rainfall total for pump shutoff. Currently, Insight has it set at .25” for a 24 hour shutoff, and several factors dictate when it will be extended.

Assistant District Manager Gindling stated that Aaron has confirmed that he will be reviewing the controllers when he is onsite performing the flush. This is scheduled to begin this weekend on September 20th. Aaron will provide a report with his findings regarding the controllers.

The Board requested that staff follow-up with Aaron regarding their questions and requests, and ensure that Aaron is in attendance at the next meeting in October.

iii. Flush Treatment

This is still scheduled for September 20th. Staff will ask the HOA to send an e-blast to notify residents.

B. Overview of Berm Requirements for Residents Follow-up

Assistant District Manager Gindling stated that Engineer Schmitt has found limited information on the condo area. She reached out to the HOA to ascertain when they are willing to share any previous ARC surveys that have been filed, but the HOA has been unable to find any helpful surveys as of yet. Staff is still brainstorming to determine how they can effectively find this information.

C. Native Groundcover to Plant Around Drains Follow-up

Installing oyster plants around the drains was presented at the last meeting to help lessen the debris that flows into the drains. However, Assistant District Manager Rainwater stated that, in 2020 the Board decided to remove this plant from the approved berm planting list, because it is invasive and is not allowed. Field Manager Pepin also recommended that oyster plants should not be installed. The Board decided to drop this issue from the Agenda.


A. Pine Straw Proposal

Field Manager Pepin provided 2 proposals for this project. Everglades Pinestraw had the lowest cost of $14,881.20. It was determined that the sales tax should be removed from the estimate. Terra Nova quoted $21,401.60. The Board approved the Everglades Pinestraw estimate, pending removal of sales tax, and asked that they install the straw after the palm trees have been pruned.

On MOTION by Supervisor Martel, seconded by Chair Busa, with all in favor, the Board approved Everglades Pinestraw to install pine straw after the palm trees have been pruned, pending removal of the sales tax, not to exceed $14,081.

B. Proposal for Sylvester Palm Pruning

Pristine Lakes provided a proposal for pruning the 6 Sylvester palms at the entrance for $480. Since these trees are much taller than the sabal palms, the pricing is different. The Board approved this estimate and asked that they prune these trees at the same time they trim the cabbage palms.

On MOTION by Supervisor Cutler, seconded by Vice Chair Wessler, with all in favor, the Board approved Pristine Lakes to trim 6 Sylvester palms, not to exceed $480.


Field Manager Pepin’s report was in the packet, and the following was discussed:

A. Project Updates

i. Sod on Belleza Way

Field Manager Pepin reported that the sod is continuing to fill in the area naturally. The St. Augustine grass seed that was planted did not grow. The Board asked for this item to be removed from the Agenda, and asked Chris to continue to report its status in his Field Report.

ii. Sylvester Palms Behind the Monuments

Field Manager Pepin stated the palms were looking a little better this month. The Board asked for this item to be removed from the Agenda, and asked Chris to continue to report its status in his Field Report.

iii. Midge Fly Treatment

He stated that two treatments have been completed, and the 3rd is scheduled for the end of the month. In addition, Chris recommended removing the cypress trees around Lakes 1 and 2 to help control the midge fly population. The Board asked him to obtain a proposal, and noted that, if it is under $2,500, they authorize Chair Busa to approve it.

On MOTION by Supervisor Martel, seconded by Supervisor Given, with all in favor, the Board approved the removal of cypress trees around Lakes 1 and 2, upon the Chair’s approval, not to exceed $2,500.

iv. Width of Littorals in Lakes

Chris reported that Lake 2 has been sprayed, and they are waiting to see results from the treatments on Lakes 1, 3, 4, 5 & 6.

v. Lake 5 Fountain Repair Update

He stated that the repair is scheduled to be completed by next week.

vi. Lake 3 Fountain Repair Update

He reported that the Lake 3 fountain stopped functioning around the time of the last meeting, and they received the repair proposal after the meeting. District Manager Teague spoke with Chair Busa, and they decided to proceed, so the fountain could be repaired more quickly. The repair is scheduled to be completed by next week. The proposal was over District Manager Teague and Chair Busa’s current spending authorization limits, so the Board was notified and their receipt of the email was subsequently ratified at this meeting.

On MOTION by Supervisor Martel, seconded by Vice Chair Wessler, with all in favor, the Board ratified their receipt of an email and authorized the District Manager and the Chair to approve the Lake 3 fountain repair.

Assistant District Manager Rainwater suggested that the Board increase the spending authorization limits for the District Manager Teague and Chair Busa, so that similar repair items can be approved between meetings. After discussion, the Board decided to continue the current spending authorization limits and process.

On MOTION by Supervisor Martel, seconded by Vice Chair Wessler, with none in favor, it was moved to increase the District Manager and the Chair’s authorization limits for expenditures. Motion failed.

The Board asked Field Manager Pepin to provide the fountain repair log and warranty notes for the fountains at the next meeting.


A. FEMA Reimbursement Update

Assistant District Manager Rainwater stated that staff received a letter from FEMA this month that the appeal is still pending, and no estimated time for completion was given. The Board asked staff to remove this item from the Agenda until there is an update.

B. Fiscal Year 2024 Audit Engagement Letter

This letter was received from Grau & Associates, confirming their selection to complete the Fiscal Year 2024 audit. Last year, the Board approved them as auditor, and they provided this engagement letter for renewal. The Board had no issues with Chair Busa signing the letter.


There was no report from Attorney Cohen.

ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests/Comments

Supervisor Cutler commented that Insight Irrigation should provide comprehensive reports, such as flow reports, as soon as possible, and reminded the Board that they had committed to providing reports. He also stated that they should give an honest assessment of the quality of the system.

Supervisor Given commented on the current threshold of the rain sensor, and the Board agreed to raise the threshold to .5” and to only allow the system to be off for a maximum of 24 hours. Staff will request Insight Irrigation to make this change.

Supervisor Martel discussed a dead cabbage palm midway on Gladiolus, and staff will ensure that the Field Manager investigates. She also reported that the entrance monuments and walls could use a pressure wash, and staff will obtain quotes.

Vice Chair Wessler wondered if the parcels’ irrigation technicians are conducting wet checks, and it was decided that staff will contact them and request the wet check schedule from each parcel. He stated that there should also be a process for evaluating the bypass function, and verification that the pump has been used. Staff will encourage the parcels to perform wet checks after the flush process to ensure that all heads are unblocked.

Chair Busa reiterated that Insight should be present at the next meeting, and since they are specialists, they should have the ability to answer the Board’s questions. The Board considered whether Insight should provide a report at every meeting until the issues are resolved, and if they should be added to the Agenda each month going forward.

Chair Busa would also like to receive more communication and reporting from Insight, so that information can be circulated. For example, he wondered how many days the pump was shut down last month. He was also concerned about the lack of response from the maintenance contractor.


Dave Williams commented that the HOA has a power washing vendor that will be onsite in the near future. He gave contact information to staff after the meeting, so that a quote can be obtained.

Dr. Gudavalli commented about the County lift station and wondered if maintenance had been performed recently on the station. It was confirmed that the station is maintained by Lee County, and it is believed that they checked it last June or July.

Kandice Salvador was concerned about the clubhouse parking lot drainage, and staff will investigate.


On MOTION by Supervisor Martel, seconded by Supervisor Given, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 5:38 p.m.

The Next Regular Meeting is October 16, 2024 at 4:30 p.m.

Chair/Vice Chair