Meeting Minutes for October 18, 2023
Laguna Lakes
Community Development District
The regular meeting of The Board of Supervisors of the Laguna Lakes Community Development District was held at the Laguna Lakes Clubhouse, 15250 Lakes of Laguna Boulevard, Fort Myers, Florida and also via web conference on Wednesday, October 18, 2023.
Present or attending via web conference and constituting a quorum were:
Jonathan Busa – Chair
Paul Rumbold, Jr. – Vice Chair
Michelle Martel – Assistant Secretary
Mike Cutler – Assistant Secretary
Mark Wessler – Assistant Secretary
Also present or attending via web conference were:
Cal Teague – District Manager, Premier District Management (PDM)
Melissa Gindling – Assistant District Manager, PDM
Chris Pepin – Field Manager, Community Field Services
Vickie Rose – Resident
Rudy Bailey – Resident
The following is a summary of the discussion and actions taken at the Laguna Lakes Community Development District (CDD) Board of Supervisors regular meeting.
FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call
The meeting was called to order and all Board members were present, with Supervisor Cutler attending via web conference. Also in attendance were Melissa Gindling, the Assistant District Manager, and Residents Vickie Rose and Rudy Bailey. Attending via web conference were Cal Teague, the District Manager, and Chris Pepin, the Field Manager.
On MOTION by Vice Chair Rumbold, seconded by Supervisor Wessler, with all in favor, the Board approved Supervisor Cutler’s attendance via web conference.
SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda
Add 6E Relocation of Fountain in Lake 1
Add 8B Resolution 2024-01 Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Amendment
Add 10A Water Use Permit
On MOTION by Supervisor Wessler, seconded by Supervisor Martel, with all in favor, the Agenda was approved, as amended.
THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items
There were no Audience comments on Agenda items.
A. Items to be Pulled for Discussion
No Items were pulled.
B. Motion to Approve Consent Items
On MOTION by Supervisor Wessler, seconded by Supervisor Martel, with all in favor, the Board approved all of the Consent Items.
C. Consideration of Items Pulled for Discussion
D. Consent Items
i. Draft Regular Meeting Minutes for September 20, 2023
ii. Financial Statements for September 2023
iii. October Field Report
iv. Irrigation Work Orders Log
v. Series 2017A-1 and 2017A-2 Arbitrage Report
This report was included as information for the Board. It is required every 5 years, but staff submits it every year, which reduces the cost to the District.
A. Irrigation
i. Irrigation Contract Update
Assistant District Manager Gindling stated that No Limit has signed the contract, but staff has not received a proposal from Stahlman England, because they did not comply with the E-Verify requirement. The Board decided to countersign the contract with No Limit.
Supervisor Rumbold noted that he had met with No Limit staff in the community and was impressed with their knowledge. The Board asked staff to continue a soft search for other irrigation companies, but they acknowledged that No Limit does seem to be responsive in the field.
On MOTION by Vice Chair Rumbold, seconded by Supervisor Martel, with all in favor, the Board approved retaining No Limit as the District’s irrigation contractor, with the Chair authorized to countersign.
ii. Irrigation System Analysis Update
Assistant District Manager Gindling stated that staff has contacted 5 engineering firms for proposals, including Hole Montes, for completing the irrigation system analysis. Only Hole Montes expressed interest, and the Board decided to accept a quote from them and continue searching for proposals from other firms.
iii. Snail Treatment Follow-up
Assistant District Manager Gindling stated that Aaron from Insight Irrigation confirmed that there would be no harm to the lakes with the treatment they use. The Board decided to retain the company for snail treatments, which had previously been approved. The contractor will be asked to complete the first flush treatment.
iv. Irrigation Phone Line Update
Assistant District Manager Gindling stated that the voicemail message had been changed, per the Board’s request, and the Board asked that staff report to them if any problems arise.
v. Irrigation Schedule Follow-up
Assistant District Manager Gindling stated that she and Supervisor Cutler have consulted with Felipe Lemus, who created the GIS map for the community, and she and Mr. Lemus have started drafting a proposal for establishing an irrigation schedule. The project entails opening each valve box and logging the decoder numbers and GPS location. Field Manager Pepin estimates that this will take up to 15 minutes for each box, because some boxes are buried or filled with dirt. They estimate that there are 500 boxes in the community, and the task will take approximately 16 days at the rate of $560 per day, which totals $8,960. The plan is that they will complete one neighborhood at a time and then the common areas.
After this is complete, the decoder numbers and locations will need to be loaded into the Tucor system, and an Excel spreadsheet created to list the irrigation schedule. Depending on how many valve boxes are located, PDM estimates that this will cost approximately $3,000.
Supervisor Cutler stated that he knows of 3 volunteers that will complete these tasks in Pebble Beach and Monterey, and the Board agreed that volunteers can work in the other areas of the community. Supervisor Martel suggested sending an e-blast advising the community of the project, and the Board agreed.
On MOTION by Vice Chair Rumbold, seconded by Supervisor Wessler, with all in favor, the Board accepted and approved volunteers to log the decoder numbers and GPS locations from the valve boxes in the community for the purpose of creating of an irrigation schedule.
vi. Irrigation Times for Monterey and Corner Lots
Staff had received no suggestions from No Limit, but the Board hopes that the irrigation system analysis will help with finding a resolution for these areas.
vii. Request for Additional Zones at 9250 Paseo De Valencia
Staff had received this request from Santa Barbara. Chair Busa stated that some areas did not receive enough irrigation zones when they were developed. As a reminder, he stated that the CDD is responsible for the installation of the valve boxes, and the addition of service lines and sprinkler heads is the responsibility of the homeowner.
The Board asked No Limit to provide a quote for the installation of a new valve(s) and also the installation of additional sprinklers on the property. The Board was open to covering the cost to install the valve box, while the sprinklers would be the homeowner’s or HOA’s responsibility.
On MOTION by Chair Busa, seconded by Supervisor Martel, with all in favor, the Board approved No Limit to investigate 9250 Paseo de Valencia and determine if it needs a new valve(s) installation, and obtain two quotes, one for the valve installation and another for the installation of a sprinkler system.
viii. Sod Problem Areas
At the last meeting the Board had requested that Field Manager Pepin investigate the areas in the community with sod issues, and, after his inspection, he determined that the lack of irrigation was not the only reason that the sod is in poor condition. He discovered that Ramirez has not been performing wet checks consistently, and there are insect issues, so he believes that the CDD is not entirely responsible. After discussion, the Board decided to request a quote for replacement of the sod on the Belleza Way cul-de-sac, since this sod was not installed in good condition. They also noted that the sub-associations should be checking for insect issues.
On MOTION by Vice Chair Rumbold, seconded by Chair Busa, with all in favor, the Board approved that a quote be obtained for the installation of new sod on the Belleza Way cul-de-sac.
B. Installation of Sod at End of Spring Mountain Way
Assistant District Manager Gindling stated that the contractor has reevaluated the project, and Terra Nova will be sending over a revised proposal to remove the bad sod and weeds, properly regrade the area and install new sod. The HOA had installed new trees recently, with one tree planted directly in the dirt mound that was left after the hurricane. Field Manager Pepin and the contractor would like some direction from the Board, because they believe some trees could be damaged with regrading. The Board authorized the contractor to carefully regrade around the trees, and they agreed that Terra Nova can send a new quote.
A. Hardwood Tree Trimming Update
Assistant District Manager Gindling stated that Field Manager Pepin has requested a quote from 3 companies, and he has received no response as of yet.
B. Annual Perimeter Pine Strawing Proposal
A quote had been received from Terra Nova to install pine straw along the perimeter berms.
On MOTION by Supervisor Wessler, seconded by Supervisor Martel, with all in favor, the Board approved Terra Nova to install pine straw along the perimeter berms by December 18, 2023, not to exceed $17,920.
C. Request for Rip Rap Around Catch Basins
Supervisor Martel suggested that rip rap could be installed around several catch basins. Field Manager Pepin stated that installing rip rap around the catch basins will help, but is not entirely effective, because debris will still go over the rip rap and collect on the catch basins after rain events. Supervisor Wessler suggested that the landscapers clean them off on a regular basis to keep it from collecting. The Board requested that Chris identify the catch basins with the issue in Pebble Beach and Santa Barbara and get a quote for rip rap installation, and Chris will see that this is done.
D. Resident Request to Keep Plants in Swale Area
Staff had sent a letter to the homeowner who had installed plantings in the drainage swale, requesting removal. Field Manager Pepin had spoken with the resident, and he stated that they do not believe there is an issue and they desire to keep the plants. Chris stated that this could potentially affect the elevations in the swale and would potentially affect the entire street. Chair Busa pointed out that the governing documents and sub-associations of the community require that the swales may not be altered, so it is not entirely a CDD issue. Chair Busa recommended contacting the sub-associations and informing them that the CDD has identified a potential issue that could affect the swale and that the covenant should be enforced. Field Manager Pepin recommended surveying the area to determine what is CDD property and taking photos of what has been surveyed for proof. The Board decided to also send a letter to the homeowner requiring the resident to remove the plantings that are on CDD property once the survey is complete.
E. Relocation of Fountain in Lake 1
Supervisor Cutler presented a resident’s request for the fountain in Lake 1 to be relocated, since the phosphates from the lake seem to be causing algae and mold issues in the pool area. Crystal Clear Fountains provided an estimate of $3,412 to complete this task. The Board considered this request, however, they decided they would need a formal written request from the Master Board along with the proposed new location. This way, multiple residents would be consulted regarding the change before proceeding.
Field Manager Pepin’s report was in the packet, and there were no questions or comments.
A. FEMA Reimbursement Update
Assistant District Manager Gindling stated that no changes have been made to the invoice tracking sheet since last month. Staff is still waiting to hear a response from FEMA on the eligibility determination.
B. Resolution 2024-01: Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Amendment
District Manager Teague stated that a Budget amendment is required within the first 60 days of the new Fiscal Year, which balances the Budget with the use of the fund balance. He stated that the largest expense was from the hurricane, which will be repaid if the reimbursement requests are successful. The other expense is the lake repairs, which totals $50,000, but it can be reduced by $44,000, and the CIP can be removed also. He also reviewed other expenses in the Budget, and stated that the District will have a sufficient fund balance.
On MOTION by Supervisor Wessler, seconded by Vice Chair Rumbold, with all in favor, the Board approved Resolution 2024-01 Fiscal Year 2023 Budget amendment, as submitted.
The Board also confirmed that they would keep the November and December meeting dates as scheduled.
There was no report from Attorney Cohen.
A. Water Use Permit
Assistant District Manager Gindling stated that the Engineer has provided an estimate of $1,080 to submit the water use permit renewal. The CDD currently uses reclaimed water for irrigation, but has a non-functioning well as a backup option if the reclaimed water was unavailable. Currently staff submits quarterly reports stating no water has been drawn from the well. The Board approved the Engineer to proceed with the application.
On MOTION by Vice Chair Rumbold, seconded by Supervisor Martel, with all in favor, the Board approved the Engineer to submit the renewal application for the water use permit.
ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests/Comments
Vice Chair Rumbold commented that the rainfall sensor on controller #2 is still broken.
Supervisor Martel reported that the fence on the eastern berm should be completed this week, and she asked staff to send an e-blast to the residents informing them of its completion.
Supervisor Wessler requested that the Board follow the Agenda during meetings and enforce decorum. He believes that the September meeting was a little out of control.
There were no Audience comments.
On MOTION by Vice Chair Rumbold, seconded by Supervisor Wessler, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 5:59 p.m.
The Next Regular Meeting is November 15, 2023 at 4:30 p.m.