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Meeting Minutes for June 24, 2020

Laguna Lakes Community Development District

The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Laguna Lakes Community Development District was held via web conference on Wednesday, June 24, 2020.

Attending via web conference authorized by Executive Order 20-69 waiving the quorum requirement were:

Jonathan Busa – Chair
Ellen Young – Vice Chair
Joyce Judas – Assistant Secretary
Mark Wessler – Assistant Secretary
Paul Rumbold Jr. – Assistant Secretary

Also attending via web conference were:

Cal Teague – District Manager
Tad Kring – Irrigation Specialists
Christopher Dudak – Assistant to the District Manager

The following is a summary of the discussion and actions taken at the Laguna Lakes Community Development District (CDD) Board of Supervisors meeting. It was conducted using Go to Meetings as a result of Executive Order 20-69 which waived the quorum requirements during the COVID-19 emergency and allowed for meetings to be conducted in this manner.

FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order & Roll Call

The meeting was called to order and the District Manager called roll. All Board members were present. Also present were Christopher Dudak, Assistant to the District Manager, and Tad Kring, Irrigation Specialists.

SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda

The Agenda was approved as presented.

On MOTION by Supervisor Judas, seconded by Supervisor Wessler, with all in favor, the Agenda was approved as presented.

THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items

Rudy Bailey attended the meeting but had no comments regarding the Agenda items.

FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Meeting Minutes

A. Regular Meeting Minutes from May 27, 2020

The regular Meeting Minutes from May 27, 2020 were approved as presented.

On MOTION by Supervisor Wessler, seconded by Supervisor Rumbold, with all in favor, the regular Meeting Minutes from May 27, 2020 were approved by the Board as presented.


A. Perimeter Berm Issues

i. CDD/HOA Berm Issues Logs

The District Manager reported that a lot of the berm issues will cease when the berm improvement project is completed. People are still placing items on the berm. Some of the issues are HOA issues. Supervisor Wessler asked if the river rocks on the berm were being used for weed control and if they will be removed when the clearing begins, which the Board decided is what they will do.

B. Berm Landscaping Plan Development

JVM Landscaping is preparing a proposal to complete the next phase of this project to remove all plants that are not on the approved list. JVM wants the non-approved plants to be removed first to see how much space is available before they can create a planting proposal. The Board approved $1,060 for them to remove and grind the trees, and remove plants that are on the non-approved list on the berm.

On MOTION by Supervisor Rumbold, seconded by Vice Chair Young, with all in favor, the Board voted to approve a proposal by JVM Landscaping for $1,060 to remove and grind trees and to remove plants that are on the non-approved list on the berm.

C. Lakes 4 & 5 Erosion Repairs Update

American Shoreline Restoration pumped all the geo filter tubes and began installation of sod this week.

D. Dead Cocoplum Replacement Along Eastern Berm Update

The dead plants were removed and new plants were being installed this week.

E. Lake & Wetland Soil Sampling Monitoring Plans

i. Muck Measurement Proposals

Lake & Wetland submitted proposals for this project, one that measures the muck, and a more detailed plan for a bathymetric study for all eight lakes that includes water depth, how much vegetation is in the lake, and where the sediment (muck) layer is. The Board approved to have the more extensive analysis performed. This can be compared to data from the C.E.S. testing that was done about 10 years ago if still available.

On MOTION by Supervisor Judas, seconded by Supervisor Wessler, with all in favor, the Board approved to have Lake & Wetland perform an extensive three-step analysis of the eight lakes for $7,700.

F. Lakes Maintenance

The Field Manager prepared a rating sheet that can be used monthly to monitor each of the lakes. The Board reviewed it and agreed to have the Field Manager monitor the lakes and record his observations on this monthly rating sheet.


A. Clean-Up of South Berm in Beverly Hills Proposal

Ramirez Landscaping submitted a revised proposal to conduct a semi-annual areca palm tree trimming in May and November in the south berm. The cost was reduced by $400 per event, or $1,200 per cleaning. The Board opted to include this work in the next palm tree trimming but the Field Manager will monitor this and advise the Board if it needs to be done sooner.

B. Ratification of Website Management

The Board ratified the decision for Premier District Management to have an ADA complaint website prepared for them. The costs were reduced to $3,000 and maintenance will be $100/month.

On MOTION by Supervisor Wessler, seconded by Supervisor Judas, with all in favor, the Board ratified their decision to have PDM create an ADA compliant website for $3,000 with maintenance costing $100/month.


A. Field Management Report for June

The Field Management report for June was discussed with the following comments/requests made:

  • A timer was adjusted on the fountain on Lake 3. It should be reset to turn off at 11:10 p.m. which will be 11:00 unless they can all be synced for the same time.
  • Another cleanup around the lakes was approved. Residents are putting their trash out in bags that are being opened by animals. An email should be sent to residents, through Alliant, to the sub associations reminding them of when and how trash should be set out.
  • Pavers were removed behind the home on Laguna Hills Drive.
  • Pool builders should be reminded that properly installed silt barriers are required to protect the lakes.
  • The “no fishing” signs need to be removed from the lake and reinstalled on the lake bank.
  • Invasive plants and hanging branches should be removed on a regular basis.

B. Work Orders for Approval

There being none, the next Order of Business followed.

C. Other Follow-Up Items

i. New Pool at 9090 Paseo de Valencia Silt Barrier

The Field Manager found during the last field inspection that the silt barrier still was not properly installed which allowed a small amount of stilt to enter the lake. The homeowner said he would have his contractor place the silt barrier further onto their property away from the lake. The rocks that were observed in the lake were removed.

ii. Brazilian Pepper Tree Removal Along South Wall

The trees were removed.


A. FEMA Update

The District Manager reported that he had to sign additional forms and that the funding for $8,735 was obligated, but the checks have not arrived yet.

NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Financial Statements

A. Mayl 2020

The Financial Statements for May 2020 were discussed. The Board voted to accept them with no changes.

On MOTION by Supervisor Rumbold, seconded by Supervisor Judas, with all in favor, the Board accepted the Financial Statements for May 2020 as presented.


The Attorney sent a memo that the Governor’s Executive Order for public meetings was extended until the end of July, so the next meeting will also be a virtual meeting.


There being none, the next Order of Business followed.

TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests and/or Comments

  • Chair Busa commented that the irrigation systems are operating better than ever at the lowest cost in the history of the development.
  • Tad Kring, Irrigation Specialists, felt the landscapers can be more effective if they can access the controllers for wet checks through their smart phones. He will provide access and a password for them to turn the system on or off as needed. Each contractor will only have access to the functions for which they are responsible. The cost would be no more than $200 and the Board felt this was a good idea.
  • The Chair also asked if there was an alarm system or notification to alert Irrigation Specialists when the pumps go down. Residents and contractors contact Tad immediately when they see a pump problem. He believes the cost is too great for a community of this size. The Board agreed that the current system is the most cost effective at this time.
  • Tad said he will communicate with the landscaper to see if they would utilize the app.
  • Supervisor Rumbold would like to do an annual mailing around tax time to share with residents what the CDD does and remind them of community expectations. Chair Busa would like this to be a function of the website. Welcome packets could include this information.
  • Supervisor Judas commented that she feels the CDD has made positive advancement of their goals.
  • Chair Busa demonstrated for the Board what information is available on the website and said he would like to maintain the data for residents or anyone who is interested in the information. Contact information is there, too.


Rudy Bailey commented that the Board is doing a great job and working well as a team.


There being no further business,

On MOTION by Supervisor Rumbold, seconded by Supervisor Young, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 6:06 p.m.

Next Meeting: July 22, 2020 at 4:30 p.m.

Secretary/Assistant Secretary
Chair/Vice Chair