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Meeting Minutes for July 17, 2024

Laguna Lakes
Community Development District

The regular meeting of The Board of Supervisors of the Laguna Lakes Community Development District was held at the Laguna Lakes Clubhouse, 15250 Lakes of Laguna Boulevard, Fort Myers, Florida and also via web conference on Wednesday, July 17, 2024.

Present and constituting a quorum were:

Jonathan Busa – Chair
Mark Wessler – Vice Chair
Michelle Martel – Assistant Secretary
Mike Cutler – Assistant Secretary
Bruce Given – Assistant Secretary

Also present were:

Cal Teague – District Manager, Premier District Management (PDM)
Melissa Gindling – Assistant District Manager, PDM
Mandie Rainwater – Assistant District Manager, PDM

Attending remotely:

David Schmitt – Engineer, Hole Montes & Associates

The following is a summary of the discussion and actions taken at the Laguna Lakes Community Development District (CDD) Board of Supervisors regular meeting.

FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call

Four Board members were present, and Supervisor Cutler arrived at 4:32 p.m. The District Manager, Cal Teague, called the meeting to order. Also in attendance were Melissa Gindling, Assistant District Manager, and Mandie Rainwater, Assistant District Manager. Attending remotely was David Schmitt, the Engineer.

SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda

Add 6C: Perimeter Palm Tree Pruning Estimate

On MOTION by Vice Chair Wessler, seconded by Supervisor Martel, with all in favor, the Agenda was approved, as amended.

THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items

There were no Audience comments on Agenda items.


A. Items to be Pulled for Discussion

No Items were pulled.

B. Motion to Approve Consent Items

On MOTION by Supervisor Given, seconded by Supervisor Cutler, with all in favor, the Board approved all of the Consent Items.

C. Consideration of Items Pulled for Discussion

D. Consent Items

i. Draft Regular Meeting Minutes for June 19, 2024

ii. Financial Statements for June 2024

iii. July Field Report

iv. Irrigation Work Orders Log


A. Irrigation

i. Irrigation Monitoring and Schedule Update

The monitoring and schedule updates were included in the packet. District Manager Teague stated that Insight Irrigation reported that the development of the schedule for controllers 8 and 9 is almost complete. There have been some delays for controllers 1, 3, and 7, because of an internet connection issue.

ii. Irrigation Controllers Update

Assistant District Manager Gindling reported that Insight Irrigation and No Limit have been troubleshooting irrigation controllers 1, 3, and 7 for internet connection issues. Tucor is sending over new SIM cards to attempt a resolution. Hopefully, this will resolve the issue so that the controllers will not require replacement.

iii. Proposal for Lake Level Switch

Included in the packet was a proposal for installing a lake level switch for the irrigation pump, so the pump will not turn on if the lake level is too low. Due to the cost, the Board decided to delay consideration of this proposal until the next fiscal year.

iv. Flush Treatment

Assistant District Manager Gindling stated that Insight Irrigation and Engineer Schmitt have recommended scheduling another flush of snails and material in the system after the new pump installation. The cost will be approximately $8,000. The Board approved scheduling this flush, and also asked staff to send an e-blast to the residents notifying them of the date(s) of the flush. Staff will ensure that No Limit is performing regular flush outs as well.

On MOTION by Vice Chair Wessler, seconded by Supervisor Given, with all in favor, the Board approved Insight Irrigation to flush the irrigation system, not to exceed $8,000.

B. Discussion of Bass Road Vegetation and Irrigation

District Manager Teague stated that staff has asked No Limit for some recommendations on the Bass Road irrigation, and they still have not received a response. Field Manager Pepin also mentioned that some of the plants are aging out, so some vegetation will need replacement from time to time, whether the irrigation is improved or not.

C. Berm Planting Proposals

There was a follow up discussion on the planting proposals that were obtained a few months ago from JVM. There were 8 proposals totaling $57,622. Due to the cost quoted in the proposals, the Board decided to delay consideration of the proposals until the next fiscal year.


A. Overview of Berm Requirements for Residents

A draft of these requirements was included in the packet. The Board was happy with the policy but asked staff to verify the measurements of the berm, because there was concern that the measurements of at least one section were not accurate. Staff will work with Field Manager Pepin and Engineer Schmitt to verify the measurements. The Board also asked staff to include a lake legend and street names on the map.

B. Proposal to Treat Midge Flies in Lakes 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 and 8

There was a midge fly complaint, and Field Manager Pepin asked Aquatic Weed Control to confirm the presence of midge flies. After investigation, they sent over a chemical treatment proposal for $5,760. During his field inspection, Field Manager Pepin also confirmed that several shorelines are infested with them.

Vice Chair Wessler commented that he has not seen any flies in the pools or on the lanai screens and doors that he has observed in the community this week, so he wondered if they are in mid-cycle. The Board also wondered if there were still enough mosquito fish in the lakes, and what the best timing was for the chemical treatment. After consideration, the Board asked staff and the contractor to research these questions further and approved $6,000 for Chair Busa to choose the best treatment option.

On MOTION by Supervisor Cutler, seconded by Vice Chair Wessler, with all in favor, the Board approved the treatment of midge flies with either fish or chemicals, with the Chair authorized to approve the selected method, not to exceed $6,000.

C. Perimeter Palm Tree Pruning Estimate

Field Manager Pepin submitted an estimate for palm tree pruning at the cost of $12,500. The Board wondered when they were last pruned, and Assistant District Manager Gindling discovered that the last proposal for pruning was signed in May 2023. The Board tabled this discussion and asked staff to present an additional proposal, if possible, and they would consider this for the next fiscal year.


Field Manager Pepin’s report was in the packet, and the following was discussed:

A. Project Updates

i. Sod on Belleza Way

Field Manager Pepin reported that the sod has not been replaced as of yet, but it is naturally filling in. Field Manager Pepin stated that JVM can replace the remaining sod or they can plant St. Augustine grass seed in these areas. He will determine if it is growing or not on his next site visit. The Board asked Field Manager Pepin to plant the grass seed.

ii. Sylvester Palms Behind the Monuments

The Board asked Field Manager Pepin to remind JVM to fertilize these palms.

iii. Additional Irrigation Zones at 9250 Paseo De Valencia

This project is complete.


A. District Goals, Objectives, and Measures Annual Reporting Document

District Manager Teague stated that a draft has been prepared by staff and sent to Attorney Cohen for review. He approved the draft and offered a few suggestions, and it will be presented to the Board next month for review.

The Board had previously decided not to pay to submit an appeal to FEMA, but District Manager Teague decided to submit it, and he stated that PDM will cover the cost. Currently, FEMA is reviewing the appeal, and they have given no expected date for its completion.


There was no report from Attorney Cohen.


A. Water Use Permit Adjustments

Engineer Schmitt reported that he sent a letter to SFWMD with this request, asking whether they will modify the permit as is, or if a formal permit modification will be required. He is waiting for their response. The changes are due to the pump replacement and the clarification of two items regarding permit modifications.

ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests/Comments

Supervisor Cutler commented on page 4 of the Field Report, and the Board agreed to ask Field Manager Pepin to install the sod where it is needed on the shorelines on Lakes 2 and 7.

Supervisor Martel commented on page 5 of the Field Report and asked Chris to trim the tree near the pump station.

Supervisor Martel also asked about the width of the littorals in the lakes. After discussion, the Board decided to limit the littorals in the lakes to 10’ wide, and ask Field Manager Pepin to reduce the width, if the plants grow any wider.

Supervisor Given commented about the lack of irrigation in his yard due to the rain sensor. Staff will ask No Limit to investigate and determine if the system in his yard is operating as expected.

Vice Chair Wessler asked if staff could move the Engineer’s and Attorney’s reports up in the Agenda, perhaps after the Consent Agenda. The Board had no objection.

Vice Chair Wessler also presented an idea for the drain grates that are continually covered with pine straw after the rain. He wondered if staff could investigate a native groundcover barrier that can be planted around the rip rap. Supervisor Cutler will send photos of groundcover plants that grow well in his yard.

Supervisor Cutler asked the Board how everyone is feeling about the new pump. The Board agreed that the new pump seems to be stronger than the old pump, and more irrigation flow is coming through the sprinklers. Chair Busa also commented that it is so strong that it has been blowing off sprinkler heads.


There were no Audience comments.


On MOTION by Supervisor Given, seconded by Supervisor Cutler, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 5:14 p.m.

The Next Regular Meeting is August 21, 2024 at 4:30 p.m.

Chair/Vice Chair