Meeting Minutes for August 24, 2022
Laguna Lakes
Community Development District
The regular meeting of The Board of Supervisors of the Laguna Lakes Community Development District was held at the Lakes Regional Library, 15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers, Florida and also via web conference on Wednesday, August 24, 2022.
Present (or attending via web conference) and constituting a quorum were:
Jonathan Busa – Chair
Ellen Young – Vice Chair
Mark Wessler – Assistant Secretary
Paul Rumbold, Jr. – Assistant Secretary
Mike Cutler – Assistant Secretary
Also present (or attending via web conference) were:
Cal Teague – District Manager, Premier District Management (PDM)
Tad Kring – Irrigation Specialists
Vickie Rose – Resident
Rudy Bailey – Resident
The following is a summary of the discussion and actions taken at the Laguna Lakes Community Development District (CDD) Board of Supervisors regular meeting.
FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call
The meeting was called to order and all Board members were present. Also in attendance were Cal Teague, the District Manager, and Vickie Rose, and Rudy Bailey, Residents. Tad Kring from Irrigation Specialists attended via web conference.
SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda
Add 7B Lake Berm Restoration
Remove 9A November Elections
On MOTION by Supervisor Rumbold, seconded by Vice Chair Young, with all in favor, the Agenda was approved, as amended.
THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items
There were no Audience Comments on the Agenda.
FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Meeting Minutes
A. Draft Meeting Minutes for July 27, 2022
On MOTION by Supervisor Rumbold, seconded by Supervisor Wessler, with all in favor, the Draft Meeting Minutes for July 27, 2022 were approved, as submitted.
FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS FY 2023 Budget and O & M Special Assessment Public Hearings
District Manager Teague reviewed the Budget, and stated that there was no increase in assessments, and the current assessment rate will support all financial obligations and goals identified by the Board.
On MOTION by Supervisor Rumbold, seconded by Supervisor Wessler, with all in favor, the Board opened the Budget and Assessment Levy Public Hearings at 4:36 p.m.
There were no Public Comments or Questions.
On MOTION by Supervisor Rumbold, seconded by Supervisor Cutler, with all in favor, the Board closed the Public Hearings at 4:37 p.m.
There was discussion on the availability and allocation of funds for irrigation, chlorine treatments, and lake restoration. District Manager Teague stated that funds can be moved when the need arises.
A. Resolution 2022-03: Approval of FY 2023 Budget
On MOTION by Supervisor Wessler, seconded by Chair Busa, with all in favor, the Board approved the Fiscal Year 2023 Budget, as presented.
B. Resolution 2022-04: Approval of FY 2023 Assessment Levy
On MOTION by Supervisor Rumbold, seconded by Supervisor Young, with all in favor, the Board approved the Fiscal Year 2023 Assessment Levy, authorizing the County to levy the assessments, as presented.
A. Irrigation Report
Tad Kring presented his report and the following was discussed:
He stated that there had been a recent mainline break, and Hotwire had repaired it. After inspection, Tad reported that the issue was resolved satisfactorily. He also stated that the break will help identify the location of the mainline for inclusion into the as-builts.
Tad stated that they had been getting numerous work orders from the Monterrey, Spring Mountain, and Red Canyon area, and he wonders if it is because of the installation of extra long GEO tubing.
i. Work Orders Log Update
Tad had sent the Board the worksheet that had been updated and that showed the resolution of issues, and it was in a list format. Supervisor Cutler suggested using a spreadsheet to identify the work orders, which he is willing to help prepare. After discussion, the Board decided to consolidate Field Manager Pepin’s information with Tad’s on a spreadsheet. Supervisor Cutler will work with staff to formulate the spreadsheet, and staff will assist in documenting the input from Chris and Tad.
ii. Chlorine Injection Update
Tad had submitted a proposal for the yearly chlorine injections.
On MOTION by Supervisor Cutler, seconded by Supervisor Rumbold, with all in favor, the Board approved Proposal #4045 to inject chlorine into the stormwater system 4 times a year, paying for the injections individually as they are completed, not to exceed $8,000.
iii. Proposals for Consideration
Tad had submitted two proposals for the repair and replacement of broken valves.
On MOTION by Supervisor Rumbold, seconded by Supervisor Cutler, with all in favor, the Board approved Proposals #4051 and #4031 for the replacement of broken valves at 9159 Red Canyon, and the replacement of a bad valve at 9220 Red Canyon.
iv. As Builts
Tad had submitted a rough draft map of the as-builts, which demonstrated the proposed 4″ mainline installation and the installation of the mainline leading to the valves. The Board requested a GIS system proposal which could include this information.
B. Lake Maintenance
i. Lake 8 Sediment Analysis Update
Solitude had submitted proposals for lowering the total phosphorous from Lake 8. Application of alum and Eutorsorb were the two chemical options. The email that staff received from Bill Kurth had included solid information for addressing this issue, which the Board had received. Solitude had also submitted a quote to retrieve muck samples from the lake for $424. The Board decided to table the project until they have considered other lake maintenance companies.
ii. Lake 7 Midge Flies
District Manager Teague reported that there was a treatment completed on August 3rd, and treatments were scheduled for August 24th and September 14th.
C. Electrical Panel Struck by Lightning Update
District Manager Teague reported that the panel replacement had been completed. Staff will ensure that the fountain is in good condition, according to Solitude’s inspection of the equipment, and when the fountain has been turned on.
A. Homeowner Request to Have Shade Tree Planted and Shrubs Replaced Behind 15620 Laguna Hills Drive
After discussion, the Board approved the planting of shrubs but not a tree.
On MOTION by Supervisor Wessler, seconded by Supervisor Rumbold, with all in favor, the Board approved the removal of the unsightly shrubs and the installation of 7 gallon shrubs at 15620 Laguna Hills Drive, not to exceed $500.
B. Lake Berm Restoration
District Manager Teague stated that he had received information from Sam Marshall, an engineer for another community, who told him that the County does not approve the use of hardened surfaces behind single family homes, but they could approve variances. The Board would like to begin looking into options for lake bank restoration which might require variance and have Field Manager Pepin’s report on the repair options available for the next meeting.
A. Current Field Report
Field Manager Pepin’s report, that was included in the packet, was reviewed and the following was discussed:
Chris wondered if the Board wanted to have him put down mulch now, and they decided to wait and discuss it at the next meeting.
The Board would like Chris to examine the condition of the wall and tell them if he recommends power washing or painting it.
Chris reported that the landscapers had not been mowing at Lake 2 between Monterrey and Beverly Hills. He will remind them to do so.
He stated that they had found a sod company to remove and replace the old sod along the Bass Road berm. The Board approved the project.
The Board approved removing the dead areca palm fronds along the southern berm, and Chris will remind Ramirez to complete the task.
The Board approved replacing 6 cocoplums along the eastern berm.
B. Other Follow-Up Items
i. Cane Toad Control Program Update
Chis reported that 547 cane toads had been removed year to date. The Board wondered why cane toad traps can’t be placed at single family homes as they have been at the condos. They would like clarification on what is permitted.
ii. Plant Voids Along Interior Berm Update
Chris stated that the plants should be installed in the next couple of weeks.
iii. Lake Maintenance Bid Update
District Manager Teague stated that the bids for lake and fountain maintenance are due September 16th and will be in the September Agenda packet. Eight companies had been contacted.
A. Resolution 2022-05 FY 2023 Meeting Dates
The Board decided to combine the November and December meetings and meet at the beginning of December.
On MOTION by Supervisor Wessler, seconded by Supervisor Rumbold, with all in favor, the Board approved Resolution 2022-05 for the Fiscal Year 2023 Meeting Dates, which are the 4th Wednesday of every month, as amended.
TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Financial Statements
A. July 2022
District Manager Teague reviewed the Financials.
On MOTION by Supervisor Rumbold, seconded by Supervisor Cutler, with all in favor, the Board accepted the July 2022 Financials, as presented.
There was nothing to report from Attorney Andy Cohen.
There was nothing to report from Engineer Mark McCleary.
THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests/Comments
There were no Supervisor Requests or Comments.
There were no Audience Comments.
On MOTION by Supervisor Rumbold, seconded by Supervisor Cutler, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 5:51 p.m.
The Next Regular Meeting is September 28, 2022 at 4:30 p.m.