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Draft Meeting Minutes for October 16, 2024

Laguna Lakes
Community Development District

The regular meeting of The Board of Supervisors of the Laguna Lakes Community Development District was held at the Laguna Lakes Clubhouse, 15250 Lakes of Laguna Boulevard, Fort Myers, Florida and also via web conference on Wednesday, October 16, 2024.

Present and constituting a quorum were:

Mark Wessler – Vice Chair
Mike Cutler – Assistant Secretary
Bruce Given – Assistant Secretary

Arriving later:

Michelle Martel – Assistant Secretary

Also present were:

Cal Teague – District Manager, Premier District Management (PDM)
Mandie Rainwater – Assistant District Manager, PDM
Melissa Gindling – Assistant District Manager, PDM
Aaron Smith – Insight Irrigation
Dave Williams – Resident

Attending remotely:

David Schmitt – Engineer, Bowman Engineering and Consulting

The following is a summary of the discussion and actions taken at the Laguna Lakes Community Development District (CDD) Board of Supervisors regular meeting.

FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call

The meeting was called to order at 4:30 p.m. Three Board members were present, and Supervisor Martel arrived at 4:33 p.m. Also in attendance were Cal Teague, the District Manager, Mandie Rainwater, Assistant District Manager, Melissa Gindling, Assistant District Manager, Aaron Smith from Insight Irrigation, and resident Dave Williams. Attending remotely was David Schmitt, the Engineer.

On MOTION by Vice Chair Wessler, seconded by Supervisor Cutler, with all in favor, the Board approved Chair Busa attending remotely, if he attends. He did not join the meeting.

SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda

Add 5B: Everglades West Coast BMAP
Add 7F: Hurricane Damage and Cleanup Update

On MOTION by Supervisor Given, seconded by Supervisor Cutler, with all in favor, the Agenda was approved, as amended.

THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items

There were no Audience comments on Agenda items.

Supervisor Martel arrived at 4:33 p.m.

The Board and staff decided to discuss Item 6A: Irrigation at the beginning of the meeting.

A. Irrigation

i. Flush Treatment Update

The flush report from Aaron Smith of Insight Irrigation was in the packet. He stated that they had performed their first flush approximately a year ago when there was an extensive presence of snails. The Board has since completed a number of upgrades to the irrigation system. With the new system in place, he believes there will be no need for flushes when everything is established. He reported that the recent flush, overall, was very successful, and there is no need for additional chemical treatments at this time.

ii. Irrigation Monitoring, Schedule, and Controllers Discussion with Insight Irrigation

Aaron discussed his findings on the controllers:

All controllers appear to be running schedules, but they are unable to communicate with Controller 1. The controller line currently used at Laguna is being discontinued, and Tucor is releasing a new line of controllers, and, therefore, has not been sending new parts for Laguna’s current controllers. If the Board would like to replace the controllers, it can be done in phases, and it might be possible to negotiate the price.

The new controllers have the ability to handle more zones, and will also have better diagnostics. For example, they could replace Controllers 4 and 5 with one new controller, and then use Controllers 4 and 5 for spare parts. The new controllers work with the current decoders, so all of the equipment will not need replacement at the same time.

The Board directed staff to request a quote from No Limit for a new controller, and ask them to work with Aaron to negotiate the price with Tucor. In addition, staff will draft a budget for the next 5 controller replacements.

The Board and Aaron discussed the current monitoring and scheduling concerns:

The current issues were discussed, including the lack of a complete irrigation schedule and the smaller pipe sizes in Monterey.

Aaron reported that he is using an old and outdated spreadsheet of data, and is having trouble getting any feedback from the neighborhood landscapers, so he can update the information for the schedule.

Vice Chair Wessler reported that, although Pebble Beach has reported many times that they have no irrigation, he has only found a few reports from the landscapers or CAMs in the irrigation work order log, so he is concerned about the lack of communication. Staff has reached out to each neighborhood CAM for a wet check schedule, but no responses have been received.

After extensive discussion on the issue of communication, the Board directed staff to contact the neighborhood landscapers again, and request a wet check report. Staff was also directed to work with the landscapers and Insight Irrigation to provide feedback regarding the irrigation zones and the type of sprinkler heads. In addition, it should be communicated that the the landscapers need to report any issues, such as broken heads. Staff was directed to copy the parcel CAMs and presidents in this communication, and indicate this wet check is an obligation for the parcels, and if it is not completed, the CDD vendor will complete it, and the cost will be billed back to the parcels.

The Board also directed staff to begin a policy for communication with the parcel landscapers to help them complete this obligation.

iii. Reported Tampering with Irrigation Equipment

Jorge from No Limit has reported several concerns regarding tampering, which has resulted in damage. Vice Chair Wessler also reported that the pump station gate was left open and unlocked overnight.  There was discussion about using one the HOA cameras for the pump station area. Staff was directed to get a quote for a trail camera for the pump station area, and also to ensure that vendors lock the gate properly. Field Manager Pepin will check the gate, and perform any upgrades, if necessary.

iv. Wet Check Update

This was discussed earlier in the meeting.


A. Items to be Pulled for Discussion

No Items were pulled.

B. Motion to Approve Consent Items

On MOTION by Supervisor Martel, seconded by Supervisor Given, with all in favor, the Board approved all of the Consent Items.

C. Consideration of Items Pulled for Discussion

D. Consent Items

i. Draft Regular Meeting Minutes for September 18, 2024

ii. Financial Statements for September 2024

iii. October Field Report

iv. Irrigation Work Orders Log

v. Arbitrage Report


A. Water Use Permit Adjustments

Engineer Schmitt reported that he and his staff are drafting this permit modification.

In addition, he is working with staff to obtain the berm measurements, which will be included in an exhibit. Currently, they are searching for surveys that would have this information.

B. Everglades West Coast BMAP: Required Nitrogen Reductions for Laguna Lakes CDD

Engineer Schmitt reported that staff recently met with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. They were informed that the Laguna Lakes CDD is now within a Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP), and there will be a required nitrogen reduction over the next 8 years, with interim goals. This information was recently received and was sent over to the him for review. Staff will be researching what types of reductions and projects will be necessary for Laguna. Assistant District Manager Rainwater noted that the CDD can retroactively use previous projects and upgrades to meet these goals. Staff will be researching old reports and testing, as well as, the current nitrogen output. This item will be discussed further when staff completes their research.


A. Irrigation

i. Flush Treatment Update
ii. Irrigation Monitoring, Schedule, and Controllers Discussion with Insight Irrigation
iii. Reported Tampering with Irrigation Equipment
iv. Wet Check Update

This was discussed earlier in the meeting.

B. Overview of Berm Requirements for Residents Follow-up

This was discussed earlier during the Engineer’s report.


A. Proposal for Cypress Tree Uplifting

District Manager Teague stated that JVM has not submitted their proposal for this task. This is included in the hurricane cleanup listed below in Item F.

B. Resident Request for Areca Removal and Screen Replacement at 8880 Paseo De Valencia

Staff received a report that several dead arecas fell from the CDD berm and damaged a homeowner’s pool screen. The homeowner has requested that the CDD remove the remaining dead arecas and pay for the pool screen repair. Staff submitted this to insurance, and also asked the homeowner to provide an estimate for the pool screen repair.

In addition, Hurricane Milton caused additional arecas to fall onto another pool screen. Field Manager Pepin has requested a proposal to remove the dead arecas and replace them with new ones.

C. Power Washing Proposals

Field Manager Pepin received a proposal from Triple Crown Pro Wash, but has not yet received a proposal from the company doing work for the HOA. The Board approved this proposal, and asked for the work to be scheduled just before Thanksgiving, however, noted that it should be completed before the Christmas lights are installed. Supervisor Cutler will verify the date.

On MOTION by Vice Chair Wessler, seconded by Supervisor Martel, with all in favor, the Board approved Triple Crown Pro Wash to perform power washing.

D. Clubhouse Parking Lot Drainage Proposal

At the last meeting, it was reported that the clubhouse parking lot had some drainage issues. Field Manager Pepin obtained a proposal for cleaning, however, some of these drains are on HOA property. The Board reported that Ramirez had recently fixed a pipe in this area. The Board asked staff to delay this proposal until April or May, and then obtain a quote to televise the entire system at that time. They will then discuss splitting the cost for the clubhouse area with the HOA.

E. Main Entrance Fence Repair Discussion

Carter Fence is visiting the property today to provide a quote for this area, as well as, the pump station fence area. The Board asked if Field Manager Pepin can brace the pump station fence temporarily, and if Carter Fence can fix the door lock of the pump station when they complete the fence repair.

F. Hurricane Damage and Cleanup Update

An overview of the reported issues was included in the additional materials. District Manager Teague presented a verbal quote from Pristine Lakes to address the following issues for $2,880 per day. It was estimated that this work will take 3-4 days:

South areca line cleanup – removal of dead stalks and debris
Removal of multiple dead trees along Bass Road exterior berm
Removal of fallen maple tree behind 9150 Red Canyon Drive
Exotic tree on interior berm to be removed – 15370 LHD
Shady Lady tree needs to be re-staked – 15610 LHD
Cypress tree uplifting along the shorelines

The Board approved this work, and a formal quote will follow.

On MOTION by Supervisor Martel, seconded by Supervisor Cutler, with all in favor, the Board approved Pristine Lakes to perform hurricane cleanup as detailed, not to exceed $12,000.


Field Manager Pepin’s report was in the packet, and the following was discussed:

A. Project Updates

i. Midge Fly Treatment

Field Manager Pepin reported that this project is complete.

ii. Width of Littorals in Lakes

He stated that the lake management company is continuing to address this task.

iii. Fountain Repair Log

The repair log was provided for the Board.

iv. Dead Cabbage Palm on Gladiolus

He located the palm during the last inspection. The top of the palm still has green fronds, and they will ask the tree company to verify if the palm is dying. If so, they will have it flush cut and removed.

v. Palm Tree Pruning Update

Field Manager Pepin reported that this project is expected to begin during the week of November 4th.

vi. Pine Straw Application Update

He reported that this project is expected to start one week after the palm tree pruning has been completed.

The Board also mentioned the landscaping ruts shown in the Field Report. District Manager Teague drove by the area before the meeting and noted that the area looked better.


District Manager Teague reported that, since it is a new fiscal year, they will bring some of the proposals that were delayed to the next meeting.

In addition, new legislation now requires an anti-human trafficking affidavit for all government proposals, which staff anticipates will be disruptive to obtaining contractors.

He also discussed the upcoming vacancy in Vice Chair Wessler’s position after the election, and the Board decided that the vacancy will be announced at the next meeting after the election, and the Board will decide how to proceed at that time.


There was no report from Attorney Cohen.

ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests/Comments

Supervisor Cutler thanked Vice Chair Wessler for his service.

Supervisor Martel echoed that sentiment.

Vice Chair Wessler thanked the Board for the opportunity to serve. He noted that, with increasing demands at work, he is not sure if he will have time to continue on the Board, but would be happy to consult on specific issues.


There were no Audience comments.


On MOTION by Supervisor Cutler, seconded by Vice Chair Wessler, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 6:22 p.m.

The Next Regular Meeting is November 20, 2024 at 4:30 p.m.

Chair/Vice Chair