Draft Meeting Minutes for January 17, 2024
Laguna Lakes
Community Development District
The regular meeting of The Board of Supervisors of the Laguna Lakes Community Development District was held at the Laguna Lakes Clubhouse, 15250 Lakes of Laguna Boulevard, Fort Myers, Florida and also via web conference on Wednesday, January 17, 2024.
Present and constituting a quorum were:
Jonathan Busa – Chair
Mark Wessler – Vice Chair
Michelle Martel – Assistant Secretary
Bruce Given – Assistant Secretary Elect
Mike Cutler – Assistant Secretary
Also present were:
Cal Teague – District Manager, Premier District Management (PDM)
Melissa Gindling – Assistant District Manager, PDM
Dennis Early – Resident
Dave Haar – Resident
John Laughery – Resident
Bruce Given – Resident
Vickie Rose – Resident
Rudy Bailey – Resident
Ralph DeVito – Resident
The following is a summary of the discussion and actions taken at the Laguna Lakes Community Development District (CDD) Board of Supervisors regular meeting.
FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call
All Board members were present, and the District Manager, Cal Teague called the meeting to order. Also in attendance were Melissa Gindling, the Assistant District Manager, and Several Residents, including Dennis Early, Dave Haar, John Laughery, Bruce Given, Vickie Rose, Rudy Bailey, and Ralph DeVito.
SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda
Remove Financial Statements for December 2023 from the Consent Agenda.
On MOTION by Supervisor Wessler, seconded by Supervisor Cutler, with all in favor, the Agenda was approved, as amended.
THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items
There were no Audience comments on Agenda items.
FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration as to Filling Vacant Position and the Appointment to Fill Vacant Seat #1
District Manager Teague stated that two letters of interest were received from Residents Bruce Given and Dennis Early.
Supervisor Cutler nominated Dennis Early. After discussion, the Board selected Bruce Given.
On MOTION by Supervisor Wessler, seconded by Supervisor Martel, with 3 in favor and Supervisor Cutler opposed, the Board appointed Bruce Given to fill seat #1 on the Board of Supervisors of the Laguna Lakes Development District.
Bruce Given was administered the Oath of Office.
FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Resolution 2024-02: Board Reorganization
On MOTION by Supervisor Cutler, seconded by Vice Chair Wessler, with all in favor, the Board appointed Jonathan Busa as Chair.
On MOTION by Supervisor Martel, seconded by Chair Busa, with all in favor, the Board appointed Mark Wessler as Vice Chair.
On MOTION by Vice Chair Wessler, seconded by Supervisor Cutler, with all in favor, the Board approved Resolution 2024-02, with the remaining three Supervisors as Assistant Secretaries, with the District Manager remaining as Secretary and Treasurer, and all other officers remaining the same.
A. Items to be Pulled for Discussion
No Items were pulled.
B. Motion to Approve Consent Items
On MOTION by Supervisor Cutler, seconded by Vice Chair Wessler, with all in favor, the Board approved all of the Consent Items.
C. Consideration of Items Pulled for Discussion
D. Consent Items
Financial Statements for December 2023 was removed.
i. Draft Regular Meeting Minutes for December 20, 2023
ii. Financial Statements for November 2023
iii. January Field Report
iv. Irrigation Work Orders Log
Supervisor Cutler commented that he was pleased that fewer work orders were submitted this month.
A. Irrigation
i. Irrigation Pump Replacement Follow-up
District Manager Teague reported that Insight Irrigation is obtaining proposals for a new pump system and will be preparing a presentation for the next Board meeting. One proposal received was approximately $141,000, which is not large enough to issue a bond, but the CDD could request a loan.
ii. Update on Additional Zones at 9250 Paseo De Valencia
District Manager Teague stated that No Limit provided an estimate of $2,105 to complete this upgrade, which includes the cost for the homeowner and for the CDD equipment. The Board accepted this proposal for the CDD to pay $1,100, contingent on the homeowner’s agreement to pay their share of $1,005.
On MOTION by Supervisor Cutler, seconded by Vice Chair Wessler, with all in favor, the Board approved No Limit to complete the upgrade at 9250 Paseo de Valencia, not to exceed $2105, with the CDD responsible for not to exceed $1,100, contingent on the homeowner’s agreement to pay the remaining not to exceed $1,005.
B. Resident Request to Keep Plants in Swale Area
Engineer McCleary reported that his inspection has been scheduled, but staff has received no further updates.
C. Landscaping Maintenance Agreements Between CDD and Community Associations
Vice Chair Wessler stated he had reviewed the agreements, and, although there could be some minor updates to the documents, it was not worthwhile because of the legal cost to do so. He suggested better enforcement of the current standards, and also that proposals for new plants include maintenance for 6 months to a year. District Manager Teague suggested sending a violation notice to the HOA regarding the irrigation and maintenance items which had been neglected. He also suggested that staff include a requested timeline for completion of the maintenance items. Sending Rudy Bailey Field Manager Pepin’s Field Report was also suggested, so that he can help with some of the outstanding items. The Board asked staff to send the standards with the Field Report and any requests for maintenance. The Board was also notified that Pebble Beach has a new landscaping contractor, who will need a copy of the lake maintenance standards.
A. Engineering RFQ Update
District Manager Teague reported that Attorney Cohen’s office has drafted the RFQ, and it was included in the additional materials which were forwarded to the Board. The advertisement has been scheduled for January 18th, and the qualifications of the engineering firms will be reviewed at the February meeting. The Board agreed with this course of action and asked District Manager Teague to revise the RFQ as needed so that it is more attractive to potential engineering firms.
Field Manager Pepin’s report was in the packet, and there were no questions or comments.
A. Project Updates
i. Sod on Belleza Way
A revised quote of $720 was included in the additional materials which were forwarded to the Board. This project was previously approved by the Board.
A. FEMA Reimbursement Update
District Manager Teague reported that staff continues to monitor the grants portal for an eligibility determination.
There was no report from Attorney Cohen.
There was no report from Engineer McCleary.
THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests/Comments
Supervisor Martel commented about the red maple in Field Manager Pepin’s field report. The Board decided to have the tree replaced for $700.
On MOTION by Supervisor Martel, seconded by Supervisor Cutler, with all in favor, the Board approved the replacement of a red maple, not to exceed $700.
Supervisor Martel also asked who installed the straps between the palm trees and monuments. Field Manager Pepin was not sure, so the Board requested staff to ask JVM if they installed the straps. If the straps are safe to remove, the Board requested that they are removed. It was also suggested that it would be better to stake the trees instead.
Ralph DeVito asked about the fountain in Lake 1 that is not functioning. District Manager Teague commented that staff is waiting for a proposal to replace the fountain. Since it was taking a while, the Board asked Field Manager Pepin to obtain more quotes from other companies. Mr. DeVito suggested that the new fountain’s lighting should be consistent with what is already in the community.
Ivan (last name not available) was concerned that there are too many birds and bird excrement in the lakes. The Board clarified that the lake water is tested regularly.
Several residents commented about the sod that needed to be replaced on Belleza Way, and the sod that has died throughout the community. The Board clarified that the Belleza Way proposal has been approved and will be replaced shortly. There was a discussion on Field Manager Pepin’s proposal to inspect, log, and map all of the dead sod in the community. The Board had previously believed that the cost was too high for this project, and that it may not be beneficial, because there may be a variety of causes for the dead sod. Instead, the Board asked Field Manager Pepin to provide an estimate of only the logging areas that are supported by the two clocks and controllers. They were not functioning for two weeks during the dry season.