Draft Meeting Minutes for February 21, 2024
Laguna Lakes
Community Development District
The regular meeting of The Board of Supervisors of the Laguna Lakes Community Development District was held at the Laguna Lakes Clubhouse, 15250 Lakes of Laguna Boulevard, Fort Myers, Florida and also via web conference on Wednesday, February 21, 2024.
Present and constituting a quorum were:
Mark Wessler – Vice Chair
Michelle Martel – Assistant Secretary
Bruce Given – Assistant Secretary
Mike Cutler – Assistant Secretary
Also present were:
Cal Teague – District Manager, Premier District Management (PDM)
Melissa Gindling – Assistant District Manager, PDM
Vickie Rose – Resident
Rudy Bailey – Resident
Ron Coiro – Resident
Ralph DeVito – Resident
Robert Dougherty – Resident
The following is a summary of the discussion and actions taken at the Laguna Lakes Community Development District (CDD) Board of Supervisors regular meeting.
FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call
Four Board members were present, and the District Manager, Cal Teague, called the meeting to order. Also in attendance were Melissa Gindling, the Assistant District Manager, and Several Residents, including Vickie Rose, Rudy Bailey, Ron Coiro, Ralph DeVito, and Robert Dougherty.
SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda
Irrigation Complaints will be discussed during 3A: Audience Comments on Agenda Items
Move 6A: Consideration of Engineering Qualifications to 5A
On MOTION by Supervisor Martel, seconded by Supervisor Cutler, with all in favor, the Agenda was approved, as amended.
THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items
Audience Comments on Irrigation:
Ron Corio and several residents voiced frustration regarding the lack of irrigation water for extended periods of time. He stated that he was told that the service technicians had informed the CDD that the decoders needed replacement. There was discussion on the procedures that are used by No Limit and the neighborhood landscapers for addressing irrigation issues, and what could be done to resolve the issues.
Other issues he cited include the following:
He stated that he had been informed that his residence was controlled by clock 2, but now he has been told that it is clock 1.
He stated that wet checks are not completed properly, and he would like that to change. He also felt that decoders should be kept on the contractor’s truck.
There were other comments from residents, and they expressed the length of time that these issues have been occurring in the community. The Board responded to their concerns and commented on their intentions to remedy the issues. They also stated that resolutions for some of the issues will be discussed at this meeting. The Board stated that addressing these issues will be a priority.
A. Items to be Pulled for Discussion
No Items were pulled.
B. Motion to Approve Consent Items
On MOTION by Supervisor Cutler, seconded by Supervisor Martel, with all in favor, the Board approved all of the Consent Items.
C. Consideration of Items Pulled for Discussion
D. Consent Items
i. Draft Regular Meeting Minutes for January 17, 2024
ii. Financial Statements for December 2023
iii. Financial Statements for January 2024
iv. February Field Report
v. Irrigation Work Orders Log
vi. Electronic Filing of Form 1
6A Consideration of Engineering Qualifications moved to 5A
A. Consideration of Engineering Qualifications
District Manager Teague stated that they had received 3 submissions, which included Atwell, LLC, Barraco and Associates, and Hole Montes, Inc. A summary from each was included in the Additional Materials, and the submission packets were sent electronically to the Board. All 3 firms are available for questions from the Board, if the Board would like to contact them today. Staff commented that they had experience with all three firms, and each were very qualified to serve in this capacity. District Manager Teague stated that the Hole Montes office is closest to Laguna Lakes and their response time is good, when there is an issue. After discussion, the Board selected Hole Montes to serve as the CDD Engineer.
On MOTION by Supervisor Martel, seconded by Vice Chair Wessler, with all in favor, the Board approved Hole Montes, Inc. to serve as the District’s Engineer.
B. Irrigation
i. Irrigation Pump Replacement Follow-up
Aaron Smith from Insight Irrigation presented his report summary remotely, with illustrations on a screen. He stated that a second pump station for Laguna Lakes was installed in 2012. His company had reviewed the data from the 2012 pump installation and the data available from a flush of the system that Insight Irrigation completed recently. They recommend removal of both pump stations, because they do not function well, and replacing them with one new pump station.
He stated that he had received 3 bids, which included Site One Green Tech, Hoover Pumping Systems and Naples Electric Motor Works, and he explained what the removal of the existing pumps and the installation of a new pump entailed. He stated that the pumps of all three companies are of high quality, and he stated that the new pump station will work with the existing system. He recommended the installation of a filtration system, and explained the varied filtration systems that are available.
He stated that the quotes from the 3 companies ranged from a low of $130,652.07 to a high of $160,358.81. Hoover Pumping gave an estimate of $141,902.64. On top of this is a budget amount of $10,000 for permitting, electrical and miscellaneous expenses. He recommended Hoover Pumping for the pump station and the disk filtration system.
Several questions were asked, which included:
Mr. Smith was asked when the removal of the old system and installation of the new system will start. He stated that, if ordered today, he estimates that they could begin in May, and down time during installation would only be 3-4 days.
He was asked if the small pipes at Laguna Lakes can support a larger pump, and he stated that it is not an issue, because they are only increasing flow and not pressure.
He was asked how screen filtration, which the community has used in the past, compares to disk filtration, and Mr. Smith stated that screen filtration plugs up easily, and disk filtration cleans itself, and is automatic.
He was asked about power failures at the new pump station, and he responded that the new pumps have battery backup.
Mr. Smith was asked how much area was needed for the new station, and he stated that the new pump station would fit within the current fenced in area where the two pumps are currently housed.
He was asked about the noise level from the new system, and he responded that it will not be an issue.
When asked about current irrigation issues and what can be done, he responded that it was difficult to monitor and effectively manage the system without flow sensors, and he estimated that the cost for sensors would be $3-$4,000.
The Board also asked if No Limit can address the current issues before the new pump station is operational. He stated that they need to be in the community more frequently, and the Board had no objections to an onsite increase of 2 times per week until the problems are resolved.
The Board requested that Mr. Smith ask Hoover Pumping if they can expedite the installation, and he stated that he will do so. He also stated that the company will be contacting staff directly.
After discussion, the Board approved a budget of $155,000, and selected Hoover Pumping Systems for the installation of a new pump station and disk filtration system. They also approved an increase in the Chair’s spending authority to $5,000 for irrigation emergencies.
On MOTION by Supervisor Martel, seconded by Supervisor Cutler, with all in favor, the Board approved Hoover Pumping Systems to remove the existing pump station and to install a new pump station and disk filtration system, not to exceed $155,000.
On MOTION by Supervisor Martel, seconded by Vice Chair Wessler, with all in favor, the Board approved that the Chair is granted an additional $5,000 for irrigation issues until the new pump station and disk filtration system are installed.
ii. Update on Additional Zones at 9250 Paseo De Valencia
The homeowner is hesitant to spend $1,200 but may be open to paying a lower amount. Assistant District Manager Gindling spoke with HOA Officer David Haldeman regarding the additional zones and the expense to the homeowner, and he stated that there may have been an additional estimate from Ramirez which would lower the cost. The homeowner will consider this and report to staff. Therefore, this item is tabled until the homeowner contacts staff.
iii. Irrigation Controller Repair Up
The most recent update received from No Limit reported that the transformer has been ordered and will be replaced in the near future.
C. Resident Request to Keep Plants in Swale Area
It was reported that Engineer McCleary completed the survey of the property lines of the swale and provided photos, which were included in the Agenda packet. Also, it appears that some of the stakes from the survey had been removed by the time Field Manager Pepin inspected the area. The Board agreed that any plants in the swale must be removed, but if they are on private property, they can remain, but the homeowner should understand that it is their responsibility if the plants create any flooding issues. A letter to this effect will be mailed to the homeowner.
D. Update on Logging Dead Sod Areas
Field Manager Pepin declined this project, since he does not know which zones were affected by the non-functioning clocks. He suggested that the Board contact the sub-associations involved in identifying areas where the sod died due to lack of irrigation water. The issue was tabled until after the new irrigation pump station is installed, and the areas can be properly identified.
6A Consideration of Engineering Qualifications was moved to 5A
A. Fountain Maintenance Proposal from Fountain Kings
District Manager Teague commented that Crystal Clear Fountains, the current maintenance company, does not respond well when issues are reported, and their knowledge regarding the community’s fountains appears limited. Therefore, Field Manager Pepin requested a proposal from Fountain Kings, who had been awarded the contract to replace the fountain in Lake 1.
The current maintenance contract is for semi-annual events with a yearly total of $1,700. Fountain Kings provided a quarterly proposal with the yearly cost of $3,840. The Board approved Fountain Kings for fountain maintenance and agreed to give Crystal Clear Fountains the required 30 day notice of cancellation.
On MOTION by Supervisor Cutler, seconded by Supervisor Given, with all in favor, the Board approved terminating the contract with Crystal Clear Fountains with 30 days notice, and hiring Fountain Kings for fountain maintenance, not to exceed $3,840 per year.
Supervisor Cutler reported that the fountain on Lake 3 runs continually, and this will be addressed.
Field Manager Pepin’s report was in the packet, and there were no questions or comments.
A. Project Updates
i. Sod on Belleza Way
Field Manager Pepin requested another update from Terra Nova regarding the sod installation and has not received a response as of yet.
ii. Installation of Red Maple Tree
He requested a proposal from JVM shortly after the last meeting, and has not received a response as of yet.
iii. Lake 1 Fountain Replacement Update
He reported that he expects this to be completed by the end of the month.
A. FEMA Reimbursement Update
District Manager Teague reported that staff has not received an eligibility determination as of yet. He stated that another community that PDM manages, Colonial Country Club, had received a negative determination, and staff has filed an appeal.
B. Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Schedule
This was distributed to the Board, and District Manager Teague stated that the draft Budget will be distributed in April. He does not anticipate the need for increased assessments.
C. Resolution 2024-03: Confirming Use of Lee County Supervisor of Elections
The resolution was approved.
On MOTION by Vice Chair Wessler, seconded by Supervisor Given, with all in favor, the Board approved Resolution 2024-03, confirming that the Lee County Supervisor of Elections will be responsible for the District’s elections.
There was no report from Attorney Cohen.
There was no report from Engineer McCleary.
ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests/Comments
There were no Supervisor requests or comments.
A resident thanked the Board for their action on the irrigation issue.
There was discussion on irrigation issues, and the resulting problems with the current system when Trans-eastern developed the community.
A resident reported an issue with irrigation on their property, and the Board will have this investigated. Staff will then determine what can be done before the new pump station is installed.