Draft Meeting Minutes for December 8, 2021
Laguna Lakes
Community Development District
The regular meeting of The Board of Supervisors of the Laguna Lakes Community Development District was held at the Lakes Regional Library, 15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers, Florida and also via web conference on Wednesday, December 8, 2021.
Present (or attending via web conference) and constituting a quorum were:
Jonathan Busa – Chair
Ellen Young – Vice Chair
Mark Wessler – Assistant Secretary
Paul Rumbold, Jr. – Assistant Secretary
Also present (or attending via web conference) were:
Cal Teague – District Manager, Premier District Management (PDM)
Christopher Pepin – Field Manager
Christopher Dudak – Client Services Manager, PDM
The following is a summary of the discussion and actions taken at the Laguna Lakes Community Development District (CDD) Board of Supervisors roads regular meeting.
FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call
The meeting was called to order and all Board members were present, except Mike Cutler. Also in attendance was Cal Teague, the District Manager. Residents attending were, Rudy Bailey, Michelle Martel, Chuck Sarsfield, Vickie Rose, and Bruce Given. Participating via web conference were Residents Connie Bottinelli, and Diana Torres, Christopher Pepin, Field Manager, and Christopher Dudak of PDM.
SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda
On MOTION by Supervisor Wessler, seconded by Rumbold, with all in favor, the Agenda was approved, as presented.
THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items
Connie Bottinelli commented on irrigation issues in Monterey at Spring Mountain Way. The residents would like to update the landscaping, because it is all weeds and dirt. All five islands have been replanted, but there has been no growth in the Spring Mountain Way area. She noted that there have been irrigation issues there for about 10 years. This area is owned by the CDD, and Monterey maintains it, and Monterey plans to submit a proposal for landscaping. Connie also mentioned that there is a notable problem of snails at Red Canyon. She noticed that Carl was pumping out piles of snails. She asked what the the source of the snails is, and if there is a filter that the snails and carcasses are getting past.
FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Meeting Minutes
A. Draft Meeting Minutes for October 27, 2021
On MOTION by Supervisor Wessler, seconded by Supervisor Rumbold, with all in favor, the Draft Meeting Minutes for October 27, 2021 were approved, as presented.
District Manager Teague presented a report from Tad, which is in a new format. District Manager Teague stated that he will ask Tad to structure it more like Field Manager Pepin’s report. This would not be in a chronological format, but would list the issues that have been addressed that month. The Board was agreeable to this proposal.
In response to Connie Bottinelli ‘s concerns, Chair Busa explained some history on maintenance agreements. He stated that ten years ago Monterey had an engineer investigate, and it was determined that the pipes were too small. The land in question is 20 feet away from Ficus Trees. A proposal from Monterey would need to stipulate water requirements. According to an audience member, the requirements would include 5 trees, shrubbery, and drip lines. According to Supervisor Wessler, the lack of sunlight is also a problem. Chair Busa stated that Tad and Irrigation Specialists should more closely evaluate irrigation in that area. The Board would like Tad to analyze the area and come up with a proposal. Monterey residents are meeting with Tad and will also ask him what is needed. The power in the area is currently unknown. Chair Busa explained that there is no CDD power in the neighborhoods.
A. Irrigation Report
i. Chlorine Injection Proposal
District Manager Teague explained the status of the snail issue. He stated that Engineer McCleary had looked at the system and had added a pump, and now there are two pumps. There is no filter on the pumps pulling from the lakes, because it caused a pressure problem. The snails come from the lake and get sucked into the irrigation system. They are too small to be stopped by a filter. District Manager Teague stated that they are planning to inject chlorine into the system and not allow irrigation when chlorine is present in the system. It will remain in the system 3 days, dissipate, and then be flushed out. There is also copper sulfate treatment at the intakes. It was noted that there is improvement at Pebble Beach.
On MOTION by Supervisor Rumbold, seconded by Supervisor Wessler, with all in favor, the Board agreed to have chlorine injected into four flush points, at the cost of $1,993.
B. Irrigation System As-builts/As-founds
District Manager Teague discussed the handout illustrating the irrigation system. He stated that it is a map of the wiring, but main lines need to be included. He had asked Tad to include them. Tad will get them from the as-builts or as-founds as he refers to them, and will have it updated in two months.
A. New Tucor Software Proposal
The proposal had been included in the packet. The CDD will purchase the modem and upgrade the kit, and Tad will install it. Vice Chair Young stated that there is a discount if it is purchased before December 31, 2021.
On MOTION by Supervisor Wessler, seconded by Chair Busa, with all in favor, the Board agreed to purchase the modem for new software at the cost of $800, update the kit for $800, and Irrigation Specialists will install it at the cost of $900, with the total cost not to exceed $7,740.
B. Mulch Quotes for the Berm
Field Manager Pepin reported that he had received estimates from the following companies:
- Southeast Spreading – $11,500 (not E-verified)
- Everglades Pinestraw – $13,323.15 (not E-verified)
- Ramirez – $21,195
- P&T Landscaping – $23,550
It was suggested that the eastern berm outside the fence should be included. Field Manager Pepin stated that there was not much vegetation on the eastern berm exterior, mainly trees, with coco plums by the main entrance, so this may be throwing good money away. The Board felt that the whole width did not need to be mulched, but only the area up to the shrubbery. Field Manager Pepin commented that each contractor stated that they needed one to two months lead time to complete the project, and Field Manager Pepin will work with Supervisor Wessler on the project. The Board decided the specifications required for the project.
On MOTION by Supervisor Rumbold, seconded by Supervisor Wessler, with all in favor, the Board agreed to have pine straw placed on the eastern berm, including the perimeter up to the shrubbery, with the request that Field Manager Pepin negotiate a lower price with a vendor that is E-verified, not to exceed $15,500.
C. Power Washing Community Walls
Field Manager Pepin reported that four companies had been contacted for a proposal:
- JL23Pressure Cleaning – $18,500. They had not submitted a revised proposal with the E-verify information. This company had charged $2,600 in 2017, minus the south wall.
- Smitty’s Pressure Cleaning – Declined to bid because they are retiring in January.
- Premier Pressure Cleaning – $5,000. They are being asked to resubmit the proposal to include E-verify information.
- Southern Tide Pressure Cleaning – never received a response.
On MOTION by Supervisor Rumbold, seconded by Vice Chair Young, with all in favor, the Board agreed that Premier Pressure Cleaning will complete the project of power washing the community walls, at the cost of $5,000.
D. Request from LLCA to Tap into CDD Electrical Box
Chair Busa had received a request from the LLCA to tie into the CDD power source for the installation of soft up-lighting for the palms on the south side of the traffic circle. The residents attending the meeting stated that they would plug into one of the fountain power sources for the installation of the lights, which they felt was not an extensive request. They looked at electrical costs and had received an estimate of approximately $2.00 per month for electricity.
On MOTION by Chair Busa, seconded by Supervisor Wessler, with all in favor, the Board agreed to allow the HOA to use a CDD fountain power source to install and power soft up-lighting of the palms on the south side of the traffic circle, at the cost of $25 per year.
Supervisor Rumbold expressed concern about the Master Board painting some of the lights black in the community. He saw a risk to children getting on the school bus in the morning. There was a comment from the residents that some of the LLCA Board were not in favor of the light shading, and that it had been done at the request of some residents. The Board agreed to discuss this at a later date.
A. Current Field Report
Field Manager Pepin reviewed the report, and the following issues were presented and discussed:
i. Lakes Maintenance
Lake and Wetland Management is treating the littorals on Lake 6 and Lake 7.
The fountain in Lake 7 had a blown capacitor, and it is being repaired by Solitude.
Chris noted that the sod around the lakes had been cut too short again. He reminded CAMS to keep the sod grass 5″ tall and at least 5 ‘ from the shoreline.
Chris reported that there is debris and other garbage in the stormwater structures, and he will have it cleaned out in the coming months.
A resident mentioned the drainage improvements and cleanouts in the garage that are being planned. It was clarified by Field Manager Pepin and District Manager Teague that the CDD owns the stormwater system, but the HOA owns the garage.
B. Work Orders for Approval
There were no work orders needing approval.
C. Other Follow-up Items
i. Muck Analysis Update/Lime Rock Proposal
Chris sent reminders to Gonzalo, but has not received a response as of yet.
ii. Cane Toad Removal Update
a. New Proposal
At this point 374 toads have been removed from the community. Field Manager Pepin submitted a proposal to continue this removal in 2022, with once a week site visits to remove the toads, rebait and reset the traps, at the cost of $150 per week, totaling $7,800 for the year. During the warmer months, he stated that the toads will become more active, so he recommended increasing the site visits to twice a week, which would be an additional cost of $2,550. This brings the total to $10,350.
On MOTION by Supervisor Rumbold, seconded by Supervisor Wessler, the Board accepted the proposal from Field Manager Pepin to continue toad removal from the community in 2022, with weekly visits totaling $7,800, and an additional $2,550 for 17 weeks of twice weekly visits in the summer, not to exceed $10,350.
Chris reported that there have been no tadpoles seen, but he will see that they are manually removed if sited.
iii. Landscaping Projects Update
Per the approved proposal, Ramirez expected to have the new plants installed by Christmas. Also included in the proposal is removal of leaning ficus and other vegetation near the Bass Road berm. Supervisor Rumbold suggested delaying the planting until after the pressure washing. Chris stated that the plants may have already been ordered. Supervisor Wessler suggested that the pressure washers could spray the vegetation off with water after spraying with chlorine. Chris will see that this is done, and he will confirm with the vendor what the planned plant protection will be.
iv. New Fishing Spot Update
This was sprayed out during the last week of November. Chris reported that the area will be inspected during the next site visit to see what the results of the treatment have been.
v. Eastern Berm Maintenance Update
During the last inspection, Chris reported that it is in fairly good condition. The entire field had been mowed, but the weeds on the berm still need to be treated. Chris stated that the HOA had been informed of this.
A. Demand for FPL Reimbursement Update
Attorney Cohen had received a voicemail from Amy at FPL. She stated that they had checked everywhere and neither FPL nor any of its subs were in the area on the day of the damage. She will be sending a formal denial letter. Because Tad reported the incident, he has been asked to look for proof. District Manager Teague wondered if it is worth pursuing the reimbursement, because of the accruing legal fees. He will make another attempt and include the pictures again. If there is no positive response, the issue will be dropped.
NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Financial Statements
A. October 2021
On MOTION by Vice Chair Young, seconded by Supervisor Rumbold, with all in favor, the Board accepted the October 2021 Financials, as presented.
There is nothing to report from Attorney Andy Cohen.
There is nothing to report from Engineer Mark McCleary.
TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests/Comments
Supervisor Wessler reported that the resident at 9340 Los Alisos Way contacted him about Muscovy ducks on his pool cage. The Board agreed that there is nothing that the CDD can do.
There were no Audience Comments.
On MOTION by Supervisor Rumbold, seconded by Supervisor Wessler, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 6:03 p.m.
The Next Regular Meeting is January 26, 2022 at 4:30 p.m.