Draft Meeting Minutes for December 13, 2022
Laguna Lakes
Community Development District
The regular meeting of The Board of Supervisors of the Laguna Lakes Community Development District was held at the Lakes Regional Library, 15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers, Florida and also via web conference on Wednesday, December 13, 2022.
Present via web conference and constituting a quorum were:
Jonathan Busa – Chair
Michelle Martel – Supervisor Elect
Mark Wessler – Assistant Secretary
Paul Rumbold, Jr. – Assistant Secretary
Also present via web conference were:
Cal Teague – District Manager, Premier District Management (PDM)
Tad Kring – Irrigation Specialists
Melissa Gindling – Administrative Coordinator, PDM
The following is a summary of the discussion and actions taken at the Laguna Lakes Community Development District (CDD) Board of Supervisors regular meeting.
FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call
The meeting was called to order and all Board members were present, except Supervisor Cutler. Also in attendance were Cal Teague, the District Manager, and Tad Kring from Irrigation Specialists, and Some Residents, and Melissa Gindling from PDM.
SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Oaths of Office for Newly Elected Board Seats 1, 2 and 4
The Oaths of Office were administered to Paul Rumbold, Jr. for Seat 1, Michelle Martel for Seat 2, and Jonathan Busa for Seat 4. The Oaths of Office were signed and returned.
THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Board Reorganization: Resolution 2023-01
Jonathan Busa was nominated for Chair and Paul Rumbold, Jr. was nominated for Vice Chair.
On MOTION by Supervisor Rumbold, seconded by Supervisor Wessler, with all in favor, the Board appointed Jonathan Busa as Chair, and Paul Rumbold, Jr. as Vice Chair, with all other officers remaining in their current positions, and Michelle Martel, Mark Wessler, and Mike Cutler serving as Assistant Secretaries.
FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda
On MOTION by Vice Chair Rumbold, seconded by Supervisor Wessler, with all in favor, the Agenda was approved, as submitted.
FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items
There were no Audience Comments on Agenda items.
SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Meeting Minutes
A. Draft Meeting Minutes for August 24, 2022
B. Draft Meeting Minutes for October 26, 2022
On MOTION by Supervisor Wessler, seconded by Vice Chair Rumbold, with all in favor, the Board approved the Draft Meeting Minutes for August 24, 2022 and the Draft Meeting Minutes for October 26, 2022, as submitted.
Tad Kring introduced his staff member, Clark Grey, who will periodically represent Irrigation Specialists at meetings.
A. Irrigation Report
Tad stated that there were issues with clocks 1 and 2, which he has addressed.
He stated that a whining noise was reported on pump #2, and he will monitor it.
He stated that the work orders had accumulated because of the repair of clocks 1 & 2, but he should be caught up within the next 2 weeks.
i. Work Orders Log
This was included in the packet, along with Supervisor Cutler’s Excel version of the log.
ii. Review and Management of Irrigation Work Orders Log
Supervisor Cutler had stated that he will no longer create a log, and will turn the responsibility over to staff to use his suggested format, if they so desire.
iii. Chlorine Injection Update
Tad stated that the last chlorine injection was completed in October, and the injections are currently scheduled for four times a year. He stated that they will wait for the direction of the Board, if they would like to change the frequency. District Manager Teague stated that this will be removed from the Agenda until discussion is needed.
iv. Controller #2 Follow Up
Tad stated that the controller was hit by a lightning strike which damaged a panel, and it has been repaired. FPL had installed electrical to equipment from another lightning strike that occurred about the same time.
He stated that a member of the Board had reported an issue with a clock, which had been addressed. Tad will continue to monitor the clock.
v. Valve Replacement Estimate
A homeowner at 15650 Laguna Hills Drive had widened their driveway but had installed pavers over the ball valve. This had been addressed, and it had been determined that the homeowner was responsible for up to $500 of the repair. District Manager Teague stated that the CDD had paid $810 for the remainder of the cost.
B. Lake Maintenance
i. Lake Maintenance Bid Follow Up/Interviews
District Manager Teague stated that the Board had received proposals at the last meeting from contractors that could replace Solitude, and the Board had requested interviews with 2 for lake maintenance, and 2 for aerator and fountain maintenance. The representatives from 4 companies gave their presentations and answered questions from the Board:
Lake Maintenance:
An Aquatic Weed Control representative stated that they are a 30-year-old company with offices throughout the state. They provide services to a number of communities in the area, and their local office is very close to Laguna Lakes. He stated that they respond the day after an issue has been reported to them. They perform their inspections every two weeks, and he believes that they would be at Laguna Lakes approximately four hours for those inspections. He stated that they can treat midge flies, and he reviewed their previous silt and sludge treatments in the lakes.
A representative from FloridAquatic stated that they are a family owned lake management company which has been in business since 1919, and they are based in Fort Myers. He stated that they also do maintenance and repair on fountains and aerators. He mentioned some of the communities that they do business with, and he stated that their response time is between 24 and 48 hours. He stated that they rake vegetation and have harvesters to use on the lakes, when needed. They can use bacteria in the lakes to control algae, but he believes that copper sulfate is a better treatment. He stated that he uses someone from another company for silt and sludge treatment.
Aerator and Fountain Maintenance:
A representative from Crystal Clear Fountains stated that he has been in business over 20 years, and they have retained many of their clients during those 20 years. He reviewed the maintenance and repair that they complete on aerators and fountains, and he stated that they respond to an issue within two days. He also stated that he has the capability to rebuild a fountain, if needed.
A representative from Lake Doctors stated that he has been with the company 18 years, and is currently their sales manager. He stated that the company has been in business for 43 years, and they have branches in Florida, Ohio and South Carolina. He stated that their response time is within 1 to 2 days. He stated that he is familiar with all aspects of fountain and aerator maintenance, and he has studied bacteria and other chemicals treatments. He believes that treatment with copper sulfate can be harmful, and can only be used for algae that is present, but not for prevention. He reviewed their treatment of nitrogen and phosphate in the lakes, their use of bacteria for treatment, their treatment for silt and sludge, and other treatments. He stated that they use the Lee County surface water viewer for inspection of the lakes. He also discussed their aerator and fountain maintenance procedures.
The Board discussed the merits of each company and selected Aquatic Weed Control and Crystal Clear.
On MOTION by Vice Chair Rumbold, seconded by Supervisor Martel, with all in favor, the Board approved Aquatic Weed Control for lake management, and Crystal Clear Fountains for fountain and aerator management.
The Board requested that Field Manager Pepin obtain quotes for surge protectors for fountains, as had been recommended by one of the companies’ representative.
C. Stormwater Planning
i. Storm Drain Inspection Estimate
District Manager Teague stated that the quote for the visual inspection of storm drains is $2,800.
On MOTION by Supervisor Wessler, seconded by Vice Chair Rumbold, with all in favor, the Board approved the visual inspection of the stormwater management system, not to exceed $2,800.
D. GIS Update
District Manager Teague stated that the GIS is still being formulated, and it should be available for review at the next meeting.
A. Monterey – Request to Move Dog Station to CDD Ficus Hedge
After discussion, the Board decided to table this, until more information is received.
B. Tree Removal at 9059 Spring Mountain Way
Due to Hurricane Ian, the homeowner had to remove a damaged tree. The Board agreed to pay half of the cost.
On MOTION by Supervisor Wessler, seconded by Supervisor Martel, with all in favor, the Board approved the reimbursement of one half of the homeowner’s expense of $3,100 for the removal of a tree that had been damaged by Hurricane Ian.
District Manager Teague presented the Field Report, and the following items were discussed:
A. Current Field Report
This was in the packet, and there were no questions.
B. Other Follow Up Items
i. Cane Toad Control Program Update
Chris reported that 724 toads had been removed year to date. The total number of toads removed since the project began is 1,145. The Board requested that these updates be placed in the Field Report going forward.
ii. Hurricane Ian Clean Up
Chris reported that the vegetation removal is 99% complete.
They are checking along the perimeter berm and around the lakes to see if there are any remaining tree stumps that need to be ground down or at least flush cut, if the large equipment cannot reach them.
They had reached out to Sunstate Fence to repair the eastern fences that were damaged in the hurricane, but Sunstate Fence cannot come until March of 2023. District Manager Teague stated that they are E-Verified, and it is hard to find fence repair companies that are E-Verified. The Board ascertained that the delay is not unreasonable, considering all the damage that had been done to the local area.
Chris stated that Ramirez is repairing irrigation lines that were destroyed by the berm trees that fell over during the hurricane.
Chris stated that the next phase of the cleanup is replacing missing vegetation, which needs to be completed primarily along the eastern berm, and they will wait until it is closer to the rainy season. They will also confirm that all the irrigation heads along the berm are fully functional.
Supervisor Martel wondered if the work that Hotwire had done was having an effect on the eastern berm.
Resident Rudy Bailey mentioned that homes along the eastern berm could have flooded during the hurricane. There was discussion about a more in-depth analysis of the stormwater management system, so that flooding can be lessened in the community. Chair Busa stated that they will be able to get more detail from the GIS map that is being formulated. District Manager Teague stated that Engineer McCleary could do an analysis also.
iii. Pine Straw Installation Update
Pine straw installation is scheduled to begin this week.
A. Lightning Strike Insurance Claims
District Manager Teague stated that he believes that they have received payment. The total for the two claims was $9,000.
B. Hurricane Ian Storm Damage Discussion
District Manager Teague presented the projects to date that will be submitted to FEMA for reimbursement. In addition to the fence, Vice Chair Rumbold suggested that the eastern berm be evaluated for other projects that could be added.
C. FEMA Reimbursement
District Manager Teague stated that administrative costs for filing claims to FEMA will be $65 per hour, and $300 per hour for a consultant, if needed.
On MOTION by Vice Chair Rumbold, seconded by Supervisor Martel, with all in favor, the Board approved $65 per hour for staff to submit claims to FEMA, and $300 per hour for a consultant, if needed.
D. Budget Amendment for FY 2022: Resolution 2023-02
District Manager Teague stated that the Amendment was for adjustments of expenditures of the District.
On MOTION by Supervisor Wessler, seconded by Vice Chair Rumbold, with all in favor, the Board approved the Fiscal Year 2022: Resolution 2023-02 Budget Amendment.
District Manager Teague reviewed the Financials for three months:
A. August 2022
B. September 2022
C. October 2022
On MOTION by Vice Chair Rumbold, seconded by Supervisor Wessler, with all in favor, the Board accepted the Financials for August, September, and October, 2022.
District Manager Teague stated that the fountains on Lakes 2 and 4 have been repaired, and the proposals originally submitted were $10,107.99 and $3,869.01. The final cost of the original estimate of $10,107.99 was reduced to $7,000.
There was no report from Attorney Andy Cohen.
There was no report from Engineer Mark McCleary.
FOURTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests/Comments
Vice Chair Rumbold suggested that the next three meetings be moved to the Clubhouse.
On MOTION by Supervisor Martel, seconded by Supervisor Wessler, with all in favor, the Board approved moving the next three meetings in January, February and March, 2023 to the Clubhouse.
Rudy Bailey commented that there is a tree in Beverly Hills that needs to be removed.
On MOTION by Vice Chair Rumbold, seconded by Supervisor Wessler, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m.
The Next Regular Meeting is January 25, 2023 at 4:30 p.m.