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Draft Meeting Minutes for December 18, 2024

Laguna Lakes
Community Development District

The regular meeting of The Board of Supervisors of the Laguna Lakes Community Development District was held at the Laguna Lakes Clubhouse, 15250 Lakes of Laguna Boulevard, Fort Myers, Florida and also via web conference on Wednesday, December 18, 2024.

Present and constituting a quorum were:

Jonathan Busa – Chair
Michelle Martel – Assistant Secretary
Bruce Given – Assistant Secretary
Mike Cutler – Assistant Secretary

Also present were:

Cal Teague – District Manager, Premier District Management (PDM)
Melissa Gindling – Assistant District Manager, PDM
David Williams – Resident
Rudy Bailey – Resident
Vickie Rose – Resident
Steve Pereira – Resident
Peter Rauen – Resident

Attending remotely:

David Schmitt – Engineer, Bowman Engineering and Consulting

The following is a summary of the discussion and actions taken at the Laguna Lakes Community Development District (CDD) Board of Supervisors regular meeting.

FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call

The meeting was called to order and Cal Teague, the District Manager, called the roll. Four Board members were present. Also attending were Melissa Gindling, Assistant District Manager, and Six Residents, including David Williams, Rudy Bailey, Vickie Rose, Steve Pereira, and Peter Rauen. Attending remotely was David Schmitt, the Engineer.

SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Appointment to Vacant Seat 5

Three letters of interest had been received for the vacant seat, and they are Frank Amati, David Williams, and Peter Rauen. Mr. Amati had removed his name from consideration. The Board asked Mr. Williams and Mr. Rauen to introduce themselves and each gave a presentation.

David Williams stated that he has lived at Laguna Lakes since 2012. He has been the landscape chairman for Beverly Hills since approximately 2017, and he joined the Board this year. He stated that he also joined the LLCA this year and serves as their landscape chairman. He stated that he has worked with District staff and the CDD Board on various issues, including the irrigation system.

Peter Rauen stated that he has lived in the community four years and is currently a Board member in Santa Barbara. He stated that he has strong international business experience, as well as, 12 years in the military. He stated that his strengths included team building, and he looks forward to gaining more knowledge of the community and contributing to its welfare.

Chair Busa thanked both candidates for their interest, and commented that it is advantageous that they are both board members of a sub-association.

The Board submitted their preferred choices for appointment on paper ballots. District Manager Teague reported that the ballots are public record, if anyone asks to see them. He reviewed the votes and noted that Mr. Williams had the majority. The Board appointed David Williams to Seat 5, and he was administered the Oath of Office. He then joined the meeting.

On MOTION by Supervisor Martel, seconded by Supervisor Given, with all in favor, the Board appointed David Williams as Assistant Secretary of the Board of the Laguna Lakes Community Development District.

THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Resolution 2025-01: Board Reorganization

The Board is required to consider reorganization after an election or appointment. District Manager Teague reviewed the resolution, and stated that he is usually listed as Secretary and Treasurer, and Jennifer Miller is listed as Assistant Treasurer. He stated that he would like to add Melissa Gindling as another Assistant Secretary to allow her to sign certain documents in his absence.

Chair Busa commented he would like to step down as Chair if anyone else was interested in the position. Supervisor Cutler was nominated as Chair, and Supervisor Martel was nominated as Vice Chair. Resolution 2025-01 was approved with the previously-nominated persons in these positions.

On MOTION by Chair Busa, seconded by Supervisor Martel, with all in favor, the Board selected Mike Cutler as Chair.

On MOTION by Chair Busa, seconded by Supervisor Cutler, the Board selected Michelle Martel as Vice Chair.

On MOTION by Supervisor Martel, seconded by Supervisor Cutler, with all in favor, the Board approved Resolution 2025-01, selecting Mike Cutler as Chair and Michelle Martel as Vice Chair, with all other Board members as Assistant Secretaries, adding Melissa Gindling as Assistant Secretary, and all other officers remaining the same.

FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda

On MOTION by Chair Cutler, seconded by Supervisor Given, with all in favor, the Agenda was approved, as presented.

FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items

There were no Audience comments on Agenda items.


A. Items to be Pulled for Discussion

No Items were pulled.

B. Motion to Approve Consent Items

On MOTION by Supervisor Given, seconded by Supervisor Busa, with all in favor, the Board approved all of the Consent Items.

C. Consideration of Items Pulled for Discussion

D. Consent Items

i. Draft Regular Meeting Minutes for November 20, 2024

ii. Financial Statements for November 2024

iii. December Field Report

iv. Irrigation Work Orders Log


A. Water Use Permit Adjustments

Engineer Schmitt reported that his staff has been working on this permit, but there has not been much progress this month.

B. Everglades West Coast BMAP: Required Nitrogen Reductions for Laguna Lakes CDD

After evaluating what the District is doing in this regard, Engineer Schmitt stated that he believes this may only require paperwork.

C. Overview of Berm Requirements for Residents Follow-up

At the last meeting, Engineer Schmitt suggested completing a survey to confirm the measurements from the perimeter walls and fence to residents’ yards. He presented a cost estimate of $6,700 for survey crew to complete the work. It was discussed that having a survey and exhibit on file would be a better legal defense, if needed. The Board considered registering the document with the County, however David did not recommend that. The plan is to keep this in the District’s official records and add it to the GIS. The Board approved the survey work.

On MOTION by Supervisor Martel, seconded by Supervisor Given, with all in favor, the Board approved the completion of a survey of berm measurements, storing the document in the District’s official records, and adding it to the GIS, with the District Manager and the Chair authorized to sign, not to exceed $6,700.

D. Pool Construction at 8779 Spring Mountain Way

Field Manager Pepin originally reported on this pool construction project, which has resulted in multiple issues in the berm and swale area and roadway drainage. A letter was first sent in November, requesting the removal of the dirt from the CDD’s berm and the roadway gutter. The resident responded, and some efforts were made to remove the dirt. However, as Engineer Schmitt’s report indicates, there are still concerns with the swale, landscaping, silt fence, and road. Engineer Schmitt reported that the pool work is not finished yet, so it is advisable to follow up with these items after the work is completed. Some damage was done to the street, but the HOA owns the streets, so it is their responsibility. Staff has passed along Engineer Schmitt’s report to the HOA, and he will continue to monitor the work.


A. Irrigation

i. Irrigation Monitoring and Schedule Update

Several reports from Insight are included in the packet. Assistant District Manager Gindling also drafted a summary of ongoing irrigation observations and suggestions, which was included in the additional materials. The Board discussed the ongoing issues with some of the irrigation clocks, the zones that are down, as well as, the lack of wet checks currently being performed.

The Board reiterated that the wet checks need to be performed from the maintenance program in the app, and it does not appear this is being completed. Several possible solutions were discussed.

Ultimately, the Board asked staff to draft a formal letter from the Board, requesting that each sub-association provide wet check reports on a monthly basis, and noting that this is a requirement from each sub-association’s declaration. Chair Cutler will review this letter before it is sent. The hope is that regular wet checks will identify if the system is functioning or not, and therefore reduce the number of issues with non-working zones.

ii. Replacement of Controller 1 Update

No Limit provided a quote of $7,450, which was below the previously approved amount of $12,000. Therefore, the Chair authorized this quote between meetings, and it was returned to No Limit. We are waiting for a timeline indicating when the controller will be installed, but we understand they already have the equipment in hand.

There was discussion on the Tucor controllers that have been discontinued, as well as, the lightning issues affecting the controllers. Once clock 1 is up and running, it will be possible to connect another clock to it as well, since the new clocks can handle more zones.

Staff and Chair Cutler will also work with the HOA’s staff to ensure that they are aware of the irrigation repair and work order process.


A. Quote for Sound Barrier Removal/Replacement

Field Manager Pepin provided a quote to remove the material before the hurricane and replace it after. District Manager Teague stated that this will cost approximately $2,400 each time it is moved. The Board mentioned that the new pump station should be much quieter. They decided to have Chris take down the barrier before the next storm, and then decide whether to replace the material or not at that time, depending on decibel readings.


District Manager Teague reported on several project updates from Field Manager Pepin:

A. Project Updates

i. Width of Littorals in Lakes

Field Manager Pepin reported that the spike rush received another treatment last week, so the last of the extended spike rush should be turning orange, then brown, within the next few days. During the last field inspection, Field Manager Pepin noticed that another technician had mistakenly over-treated a section of spike rush on Lake 1. It will take some time, but the spike rush that is still alive will begin to grow back towards the shoreline, once the water levels rise. Chris also reported previously that, with any littoral reduction, the process takes several months from start to finish, and he has seen it take up to 6 months, depending on the season.

ii. Palm Tree Pruning and Pine Straw Application

Tree pruning is scheduled to be completed today. Pine straw application has been completed. Vice Chair Martel mentioned she saw them working today.

iii. Cypress Tree Uplifting

He reported that this project is scheduled to be completed today.

iv. Hurricane Cleanup

He reported that this project is scheduled to be completed today.

v. Fence Repairs

He reported that fence repairs have been completed. Field Manager Pepin reported that one section has a slight tilt to the North, but he does not believe it is noticeable enough to request any further repairs.

vi. Fountain Repairs

The fountain in Lake 6 has been repaired and is running. The motor was unwound, and it was fixed while Fountain Kings was onsite. We are waiting for Fountain Kings to replace the control panel for the fountain on Lake 2.


District Manager Teague reminded the Supervisors that the annual ethics training is due by the end of the year. If a Supervisor takes office after March 31st, he or she is not required to complete the training until the next calendar year.


There was no report from Attorney Cohen.

THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests/Comments

Vice Chair Martel asked staff to follow up on the large irrigation lid that was broken. She also stated that she cannot attend the January meeting.


There were no Audience comments.


On MOTION by Supervisor Busa, seconded by Supervisor Given, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m.

The Next Regular Meeting is January 15, 2025 at 4:30 p.m.

Chair/Vice Chair